Vehicle performance do not solely rely on the the engine, an efficient exhaust system is also needed. For the famous car companies like Cadillac and BMW, good looking and luxurious cars are just not enough. Their products also require quality performance. To achieve this performance, they would need an optimum exhaust.
A vehicle's exhaust system is a series of pipes and tubings where each component is responsible with different tasks. These tubings are used to guide waste exhaust gases away from a controlled combustion inside an engine. There is also a manifold, which is an assembly designed to collect the exhaust gas from two or more cylinders into one pipe. After that is the header, which is an improved manifold. It is designed to perform well in collecting the exhaust gases that the manifold did not collect. Headers are generally steel pipes with bends and folds so all the exhaust gases arrive at the same time. After that a catalytic converter will come into action. Cadillac catalytic converter and BMW catalytic converter are designed to lessen the harmful elements in the exhaust before they are released into the air.
To do this effectively, car engines carefully control the amount of fuel they burn. They try to keep the air to fuel ratio very close to the stoichiometric point, which is the ideal calculation. It is up to the Cadillac catalytic converters and
to help reduce emission toxicity. Today, most catalytic converters are three-way catalytic converters. The term 'three way' refers to the three regulated emissions and BMW catalytic converter help to reduce, which are carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx) molecules. A catalytic converter is a great innovation that is designed to help reduce air pollution.
Just like in most modern cars, there are three stages in the Cadillac catalytic converter and BMW catalytic converter. The first stage is The reduction catalyst, where platinum and rhodium are used to help reduce the Nitrogen oxides emissions. In the second stage or oxidization catalyst, the catalytic converter reduces the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by burning them over a platinum and palladium catalyst. The final stage is a control system that monitors the exhaust stream. It also here where the information is used to control the fuel injection system.