The car is a very complex creation. Every time the engine roars to life, a hundred different components start to act their part to keep the engine running. Ergo, every car part becomes a part of a system. And every system, becomes responsible for the totality of the car's performance. One should not consider one system more important than the others, because all of these systems work in harmony for the car. So, when checking the car, one must make sure to check every car system.
Of the most important systems that one often overlooks is the cold air intake system. It does more than bringing down the temperature, because it increases the performance of an internal-combustion engine as well. Aside from that, it is responsible for creating a nice hum on the engine. Therefore, the Jeep Cold Air Intake is actually a very inexpensive way to increase the engine's power.
The Jeep Cold Air Intake operates on the principle of increasing the amount of oxygen available for combustion with fuel. Because cooler air has more density for a given volume, the Jeep Cold Air Intake generally work by introducing cooler air from outside the hot engine bay. However, the term "cold air intake" is often used to describe other methods of increasing oxygen to an engine, which may even increase the temperature of the air coming into an engine.
It is important to take precautions when using a cold air intake as to avoid getting water in the engine, or "hydrolock." This may include installing a water shield in the intake or not driving in the rain at all. It is also notable that less damage will occur from water reaching the engine on a rotary engine car, as opposed to a piston engine car. Fortunately, with the Jeep Cold Air Intake, the Jeep's off-road nature immediately aborts all natural threats to the car. Some cold air intake manufacturers now include a built in hydro-shield, a piece of plastic that blocks water from entering the air filter. K&N also offers a "sock" called the "Drycharger," which prevents hydrolock. The Jeep Cold Air Intakes are made possible through the precision of K&N and AEM's engineering.
With a tough line of achievements that the name Jeep carries under its sleeve, one can be assured that the is reliable and durable car parts that may cause less, but boosts engine performance.