Car makers have already posted their sales figures for the month of February. While Toyota and General Motors showed an increase on their number of vehicles sold for the month, Ford and Chrysler have shown reduced sales figures. All in all, the total auto sales last month has dropped by as much as 0.5 percent compared to the same period last year. The reason for this is that consumers are opting for well-made and technologically advanced vehicles.
Analysts say that the reduction in the interest of the American motoring public on blue collared brands like Ford, Chrysler, Dodge, Pontiac, and Buick is the reason for the decrease in the number of vehicles sold in the U.S. market last month. The current trend in the market shows that car buyers are more often than not inclined to buying brands that do offer luxury and all things pertaining to luxury. This is evident in the increase in the sales of luxury brands like BMW and Audi. In fact, this inclination toward luxury cars saw BMW posting sales figures that is 12 percent higher than last year for the same period. Audi likewise showed a strong sales output when it posted a 37.5 percent increase in sales.
Another kind of vehicle that is taking the spotlight away for blue collared brands is hybrid cars. Toyota, the leading producer of hybrid cars, has posted yet again another record breaking sales figure for the month of February. A reason for this may be the renewed interest on CAFÉ standards and the increasing awareness on the public to protect the environment as a response to the global warming issue.
With hybrid and luxury cars driven to the front, hardworking vehicles known for heavy-duty and off road driving capabilities suffer. But with the developments being employed by blue collared brands on their vehicles, the future may see the American motoring public once again embracing blue collared brands. The use of diesel engines on heavy-duty vehicles is a good step forward since the new generation diesel engines emit less greenhouse gases and reduce fuel consumption costs as well.
While the current trend continues, Toyota will be enjoying much success. Their Toyota and Scion divisions are known for producing fuel efficient cars which are currently in demand. Their Lexus division, meanwhile, will be taking advantage of the current trend which involves car buyers opting for luxury brands and luxury cars and vehicles.
If the current trend continues, then blue collared brands need to take action immediately. They have to make their cars more competitive even against luxury brands. Developments of environment friendly vehicles are also a must if they want to put a stop to their plunge. Designing and producing high performance vehicles which are reliable, as reliable as an brake pad, is of utmost importance to once again attract the attention of car buyers and in the process reap in the cash that is due to them.