Beware: Auto Scams This Holiday Season

By: Sarah Mcbride

The holiday season is very much felt nowadays. Just a couple more days and December would already be in. And then that is when we do feel the Christmas spirit and then start taking huge steps towards one of the basic things we do for the season shopping.

However, it is also very important to note that during such a season, many auto scams and theft go about. That is why one of the leading insurance agencies in the country, GEICO, is actually sharing their bits and pieces of advice to keep vehicle owners and drivers safe from such acts of fraud and theft. Sure, you may just be stopping your vehicle to pick up those and a couple you ordered via the Internet but you may never know. Those few seconds could give car thieves the opportunity to do away with your car. With that, Seth Ingall, the current vice president for claims for the insurance company does share, "Auto theft and fraud perpetrators don't take time off during the holidays. People are more rushed and pre-occupied than ever, which is an ideal time for auto thieves and fraud artists to get busy, too."

So what do you do? Well, the these tips are actually some of the most basic however it is important that we are reminded about them. After all, the holiday rush could most certainly get to our heads.

First off, do not keep your car running or keep the keys inside your car while you rush off to pick up something even for just a couple of minutes. This actually gives the thieves the perfect opportunity to take some items off your vehicle or even take your vehicle off to a chop-chop yard. Another thing that could make thieves set their eyes on your car would be because you keep a lot of your valuables visible and inside your car.

One of the things that they do to falsify a claim is to actually wave to you so you can back out of a parking spot. However, in the process, they would actually have their car run into you. That is a parking lot scam and you should be beware of that.

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