Effective Ways To Deal With Car Dealerships

By: Joe Goertz

When it is time for you to buy a new vehicle you would be wise to enter the dealership with the mindset that you are about to engage in a game of chess, where the salesman wants to get as much money from you as he can, while you try to get the best deal for the least amount of money. Somewhere in the middle of all the haggling that will ensue, you have to try and reach a deal where, if you are not fully satisfied, at least the price is fair. No one has ever driven off a car lot in a car they got for under invoice, and nobody ever will.

One thing you must keep in mind as you enter into negotiations is that the salesman has to make money; he's got to eat and clothe his kids, pay his mortgage, etc. If you don't want him to rip you off, then don't attempt to try and rip him off either.

Now before you even reach the point where you are at the dealership, (you've taken your test drive and you are at the negotiating table), you need to do your homework. The best way to do this is to use the Internet. Websites such as http://Cars.com and http://Edmunds.com are great resources. Both give reviews of cars and allow you to make side by side comparisons to help you decide which car is right for you. Once you decide on the car you want (which could take you as long as a year to decide) its time to research some dealerships, which can also be done on the Internet.

Most dealerships to day have Internet sales departments, which allow you to look at their inventory online and request price quotes. All dealerships are very competitive and should get back to you within a day of you requesting one. However, if they take longer or refuse to give you a quote over the Internet; instead, trying to get you to come to the dealership, then don't use them. More than likely the salesman intends to try and pressure you into making a purchase.

Hopefully you will be able to get at least three quotes. Once you do, visit all three dealerships and take the car for a test drive, as well as do a little negotiating over the price to see if you can get them to come down some. Once this is done, you have to make a decision about who you want to buy from. You should base this on who provided the best shopping experience, as well as the best deal.

Buying the right car can be hard, which is why you want to be patient and take your time when making a decision. For example, I just had to have a Nissan Titan when they first came on the market. I never had driven one, didn't really know much about them except that I liked the body style and I liked that they went fast. So I bought one and six months later was tired of driving it. I didn't like having a big vehicle, and I hated the gas mileage it got. I got so tired of driving it that I traded it in, took a loss on the loan and bought a new car. However, I only bought my new car after two years of research. By the time I showed up at the dealership I knew every specification on the car I wanted and new exactly what I was willing to pay. I've never been happier with any other vehicle than the one I drive now.

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