"Our experts test drive more than 200 new cars each year in various settings and conditions. We treat them as if they were ours, driving them to the supermarket, in the city, on the highway, and on long trips, to best replicate the typical consumer experience. Our process is designed to assure that the Best Buy and Recommended Awards are tailored to assist the average car buyer, whether they are looking for a luxury sedan or a workhorse pickup."
This is according to Kirk Bell, the current associate publisher for Consumer Guide Automotive. And he is also very much implying that when it comes to choosing the best automotive products which could range from the simplest to the most complicated vehicles you can find in the market. You see, Consumer Guide Automotive has this annual awarding of the Best Buy and the most Recommended vehicles there is the market. And the editors of the mentioned magazine do make sure that each and every little aspect of vehicles are used to the advantage of ordinary and average consumers.
Consumer Guide Automotive is one of the leading publishers in the automotive industry that shares authoritative and very objective information and reviews on new cars and even on used cars. It has been in the industry for thirty nine years already so it can be very much said that they are one of the experts and one of the authorities in the field of cars and vehicles. The group has already announced the winners of their 2007 Best Buy and Recommended Awards. Such a string of awards are actually given out annually. The group also does such so as to help average consumers choose which ones would be worth their money.
The winners of the mentioned awards actually go through a grueling process of scrutinizing and reviews. Each of the winners are actually the best among each of the seventeen categories that the group from Consumer Guide Automotive chose. There a total of eighty one vehicles that the editors had to go through to reach the best ones.