Corsa Exhaust - Power Without Deafness

By: Terry Brown

Corsa, famed for its high-quality exhaust, has etched its distinction by providing the industry with 4 beneficial features. Said features include its patented Reflective Sound Cancellation (RSC) technology that makes exhausts whisper quiet on the streets. Other features include lesser backpressure, increased torque and horsepower and great performance sound.

Corsa exhaust system advances exhaust flow by a maximum of 55%. Aside from that the revolutionary exhaust when combined with efficient cold air intake will pave way for a proficient breathing capability, better fuel economy, low engine temperature and improved torque. The exhaust system of Corsa is manufactured from high-quality 304 stainless steel.

Experts are saying that along ingenuity and power is convenience. This is also the philosophy of Corsa. In fact, another edge why automakers are shifting to Corsa is that it need not use complex welding equipment to install the exhaust. This is because it is bolts on using the hangers and fasteners, which are integrated with the purchase. However, the most loved feature of Corsa is its 'silencer' effect. Its avant-garde, noise-reducing feature is one of the greatest factors why the company is renowned in the field of automobile exhaust system.

According to some critics, the cutting-edge engineering of Corsa exhaust has gained its moniker as the exhaust systems technology which has 'silencer'. The aftermath is minimized irritating in-cabin sound of booming drones. Hence, owners of vehicles equipped with Corsa's exhaust system can engage in coffee conversations while traveling the freeway.

Corsa generates greater power with the least hum by getting rid of restrictive packing materials. Instead, the latter are replaced with baffles to permit tone adjustment on the fly. Another reason is that it does not interfere with the exhaust gas flow. Corsa exhaust also sedates loudness and stimulates itself by producing a minimized humming sound.

Corsa exhaust is used by Chevrolet, Chevy Tahoe, Cadillac, Magnum, Mustang, Corvette and other vehicles. Its revolutionary charm has captured the exhaust demands of the mentioned high-caliber vehicles.

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