Ensure a Pleasant Summer Road Trip With Car Maintenance

By: Tom Kline

With so many wonderful and interesting U.S. cities, an increasing number of Americans are forgoing international travel in favor of road trips to the beach, mountains, and other domestic hotspots. If you count yourself among them, make sure your vehicle is in good condition before hitting the wide, open road. The following list of summer maintenance check points will help ensure a safe ride to your vacation destination.

1. There's a lot riding on your tires-make sure they can handle it. If your tires are still in good shape, prevent unnecessary wear by rotating them whenever you change the oil. (RK Toyota technicians recommend a rotation every 6,000 miles.) If the tread on your tires is fairly worn, consider replacing them before departing. If you see the "wear bars" (rubber strips that usually are darker than the tire), replace your tires immediately. RK Toyota technicians also maintain that proper tire inflation is vital. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for the proper pressure.

2. Like tires, brakes are crucial to your family's safety. RK Subaru technicians advocate having brakes checked whenever tires are rotated. If your brakes make unusual squealing or grinding noises when you hit them, or if the steering wheel pulls to one side, you might need new brakes. If your car has an anti-lock braking system (ABS), as most recent models do, pay attention to your dashboard indicators. If, after about 2 seconds, the ABS light goes out, the system is in good working order. If the light stays on, have a mechanic check your brakes.

3. Pay attention to belts and hoses to decrease the risk of a breakdown. Fan belts, which used to last about a year, are now much more durable, so people tend to neglect them. However, RK Subaru technicians report that belts and hoses are the second-biggest cause of auto breakdowns after failed batteries. Have the belts and hoses checked during an oil change or other service visit.

Our list continues with 3 more auto maintenance check points to address before leaving for your summer road trip. A little preventive maintenance is the first step towards making your vacation more pleasant.

4. Batteries die in the summer too. Dead batteries are not just a wintertime nuisance. According to the RK Subaru service department, batteries deteriorate even faster in hot weather. Before your summer trip, have your battery checked by a professional, especially if it is over three years old.

5. Seat belts save lives--make sure they work well. Your belts should unreel smoothly when you pull them, and retract securely around you after you fasten the latch. If your belt is not fitting snugly, check the "retractor" (a spool-like device near the floor) for stuck debris. On older cars, make sure the belts are not frayed or torn.

6. Compensate for a heavy load. If you are towing a boat or trailer, or hauling an excessive number of passengers or luggage, adjustments may be in order. The RK Scion Service Department recommends that you consult your owner's manual on how to compensate for extra heavy loads. If you own a high-riding sport utility vehicle or minivan, avoid using a roof cargo carrier, which raises the center of gravity and increases the risk of a rollover.

Address these basic maintenance check points even if you're not planning any out-of-town trips. You'll reduce the risk of a road-side emergency, save time and money, and ultimately make your summer more enjoyable.


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