What You Must Know Before Buying Your First Toyota

By: Scott Michaels

Keeping a Toyota is not necessarily costly. Car repairs can be expensive, but by doing your homework and choosing the right car you can save lots of money and nerves on the long run.

Maintenance costs are usually quite low as well. Gasoline prices have risen in thelast years.The process of buying any kind of car breaks down into three parts: research,shopping around,buying.

Researching the market. Decide on your budget, how much money you want to spend on a used car. Be aware,that you might need to allocate some money on repairs, fix-ups, and about $50 - $100 forthe registration process.

Decide what options are you looking for on your car and prioritize them.Check the reliability: usually Japanese cars like Toyota are the most reliable; however their parts are very expensive. Look for stick shift transmission as it is more reliable than automatic transmission (in a used car if an automatic transmission is down, you will pay a lot of money to fix it.

In this case it is cheaper to send it to the junk yard and buy another one).Check the consumer reports: regardless of what manufacturers say about how great their car is, it's a good idea to take a look at the consumer reports.

Consumer reports are real feedbacks from actual car users. It can give you valuable information not only what people like about a certain car, but most importantly what they don't like.

The shopping phase is comprised of these steps: Start searching for cars which fit your selection and price range. There are several ways to do this:online classifieds and newspaper advertising like the bulletin board.

Set an appointment to see the car: if you are satisfied with the results of the questioning, set an appointment to see the car in person. You can make several appointments with different sellers, if they are in the same area.

Determine the true market value of the vehicle: before you go to inspect a vehicle it is a good idea to know the market value of the vehicle. This can help you in the negotiations to get a fair price for your car.

Inspect the car carefully. If you are not very familiar with the car, its various functions, then take a more knowledgeable friend or a mechanic with you to help you with the evaluation.

It is not recommended anyhow to go alone at a car inspection. You have a better chance of getting a better deal if you are two persons at the negotiations than when you are alone.

Test-drive the car. It is wise to make the test drive last longer than 15 minutes, so that the car is thoroughly heated up.

In fact, stretch out the test drive for as long as possible. Check the car's behavior on the freeway at high speed. Look at its stability. Test the brakes. Try to go uphill and see how the engine behaves.

Does it speed up easily or does it look pretty tired and worn out? Drive on a bumpy road at low speed and listen for different noises.

Don't buy the first car you inspect, unless it is fabulous. It is not a good idea to buy the first car you inspect. Inspect at least 10 cars before you consider buying. This will increase your options and you will form a better idea of the cars on the market. You will learn to distinguish good deals from bad deals.

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