Today's modern cars have electronic fuel injection systems, earlier automobiles used carburetors that are less efficient and did not perform to the best. However, even, today many kinds of cars come with small engines that use carburetors. Both the carburetor and the electronic fuel injection system are kinds of engineering equipment that supply fuel to the engine.
Initially, throttle body fuel injection systems, or single point systems were introduced in the market. In this equipment usually electricity used to control fuel injector valve. Later, single point systems were replaced by better and powerful multi-port fuel injection systems that use a separate fuel injector for each cylinder. Multi-port fuel injectors provide accurate amount of fuel to each cylinder and increases the efficiency to the next level.
Electronic Fuel Injectors: How they Function?
If you look closely, you'll find that electronic fuel injection is much more complex than a carburetor. In this system, valves are controlled electronically. It simply means that opening and closing of valves automatically and supplies the needed fuel to the engine. Usually in this system, fuel is sprayed into the intake valves particularly in misty form. The injectors automatically determines the amount of fuel to be involved into the valve, fuel is supplied by a particular system better known as a fuel rail.
Fuel injectors also have different kinds of sensors. These sensors ensure that proper amount of fuel is delivered into the injectors and to intake valves. It also includes engine speed sensor, voltage sensor, coolant temperature sensor and many such others.
Get the Best!
Internet is the best way to choose quality fuel injectors in case you are looking for one. There are many companies that manufacture fuel injectors to provide the auto parts. Amongst all, Nismo injectors are considered of great use as they can increase the efficiency of your automobile.