Electric Cars in Demand

By: carazoo.com
The environmental hazards have created awareness among the people and to save the earth every one is contributing in some or the other way. A metro like Delhi has taken the initiative of saving nature.

?More people are opting for eco-friendly cars now. Alternative fuels like CNG and LPG has changed basic transportation in the Capital and close to 10% of private cars run on it ?and now it is the time for the electric car to make its presence. Electric cars are not only affordable but also environmental-friendly. An electric car spends upto only 40 paisa per kilometer. Another good thing about this car is, it is easy and simple to drive. The only demerit it has is the low speed and short traveling range but the manufacturers are also working on that issue.

The government is also taking steps to popularize the electric vehicles as an emission free transport solution to tackle rising pollution and congestion. As an initiative, the government has scrapped the excise duty on electric cars. Presently, an electric car prices start from Rs 3.28 lakh and which will be now cheaper by Rs 35,000.

?The electric car will pick up its sales very fast as the fuel prices will go high very soon. To make these vehicles more acceptable, specially to de-congest the national capital which has the highest number of vehicles in India, electric vehicle companies are also approaching the adjoining Haryana and Uttar Pradesh state governments to extend similar benefits for all such vehicles. Presently Maini REVA is the sole player in this segment but now there are more companies who are planning to roll out electric cars. Ajanta- the Indian clock makers also plans to roll out electric car that will be cheaper than Tata Nano.

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