Running Your Car on Water - is it Possible?

By: Roger Haisley

Some people might find the above heading unbelievable. Can a car really run on water? If that were possible, imagine how much you could save every month on gas bills! In a world where gas prices go up almost daily and show very little sign of getting any better, we have to be realistic and very pro-active about our energy needs and how we can satisfy them and still be able to take care of our families.

Studies have long shown that water can be a very efficient energy source. By using a little electricity from your car/truck battery, you can separate water into a gas called HHO or Hydroxy. Hydroxy burns beautifully and provides enormous energy - while giving off water as the 'exhaust'.

Due to the amazing molecular expansion that takes place in the conversion from water to Hydroxy, very little water is needed...1 quart/1 Litre of water may last for Months of driving (up to 900 miles).

Along with that, comes the benefit to the environment that this energy source provides. You can cut down your CO2 emission by literally tons every year, and that's a very good plus with the effects of climate change beginning to rock some of the biggest nations in the world, influencing them to initiate policies that will aid in preventing further deterioration of the environment.

You can get ahead of the game and at the same time save thousands of dollars.

It's truly an amazing discovery and as such has gained immense popularity. A number of companies have now created step by step tutorials on how you can convert your very own car to run on water. The best tutorials are easy to follow and don't require expensive or hard-to-find supplies.

As time progresses and gas prices continue to go up and up, it may very well be the best alternative to switch to running your car on the most abundant substance on earth - Water.

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