Software for Car Safety


US auto major, General Motors, is developing software for its cars in India to provide back office services. The software can intimate the owner in the event of theft, damage, or even send information to back office for help in the event of an accident.

With the development of this software, all fears related to theft can soon become a thing of the past. The new software also alerts the owner of any crisis situation in advance.
According to GM sources, the sophisticated back office service will also assist during other crises situation in regard to the car. A person driving the car can simply call up the back office of the company, inform them of the specific problem, and a back service will be sent immediately. The bursting of the airbags also sends out alert signals to the office.

GM is already using such softwares in the US, where an automatic system alerts the back office in case of an accident. Thereafter, a call is given from the back office to understand the gravity of the situation, and help is dispatched immediately.

Such accident alerts can be extremely beneficial in India, where a driver in a serious situation can get help immediately.

General Motors is working on components like engine control, steering and safety controls in the process of introducing more electronification of the vehicles. Once the sophisticated software is in place, it would mean that a car breakdown would have to be struck off from the list of 'most common excuses', a reason most often made for showing up late for work!


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