Its not True What They Say About Bmw

By: Chet Waters

It's Not True What they Say About BMW

If you're like me, and you probably are, you've heard people say about their BMW some of the following misconceptions. Oh, I bought my BMW because it's a great color. Or, I bought my BMW because the price was right. And this is a good one. I bought it mostly because of the advanced engineering.

Do you believe it?

Over the years I've heard many false reasons myself. But there is one "reason" that I have heard many times. And the first time I heard it was when my friend Bobby Watson took me for a spin in his brand new, right off the lot, gorgeous BMW 325i. He parked his "Silver Goddess" in front of my house, not in the driveway, to make sure that all the neighbors would see it.

It was at this time that those seven words came out of Bobby's mouth that let me know he was lying. He told me what he, at the time, honestly thought was the truth. He said that he bought his "Ultimate Driving Machine" and these are his words, "Because of the great way it looks". I knew right away that this lame excuse was pure rubbish.

It was just a matter of time before Bobby would come to realize "the truth".

As I opened the passenger door to settle into my comfortable contoured seat, I was immediately struck by that sensation we all know well. That intoxicating aroma of the "New Car Smell" rushed passed my nostrils at lightning speed. In an instant, my brain told me that my childhood friend Bobby Watson had really made "the big time". But more importantly, I realized that Bobby's "excuse" for buying his new BMW 325i Silver Goddess as he called it, was just that---an excuse.

As Bobby started the almost silent engine of his new BMW 325i and pulled away from the curb, the look on his face gave me the first impression of the "true reason" for him buying this magnificent Silver Goddess. It was obvious to me as we approached the on-ramp to I95 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that Bobby's heart wasn't just beating.

Bobby's heart was exploding from the pure excitement of his BMW 325i experience.

The fact is, his BMW 325i didn't merge with the rest of the traffic. It seemed to totally take command of the road as it assumed its rightful position of "dominance and control" over the rest of the pack. A role that it was made for. The role that it was born to play.

Within the first hundred yards on I95, even Bobby understood that it's not true what they say about BMW. People don't own a BMW because of its style, color, engineering or price. Although all these things are important to drivers. So, here it is. The truth about why Bobby and maybe even you, bought a BMW.

The real reason people own a BMW is-------------

To feel the "Exhilarating Rush" of power, excitement and control at their fingertips that they command. And it doesn't matter if you're a guy or a gal, you know that you want that feeling of being seen, "lookin' good" in one of the world's best luxury cars.

The bottom line is this.

Don't believe all those foolish words of self-deception about buying a BMW only because of its style, color, price or engineering. The truth is much more fascinating. You and I both know that BMW ownership is all about "The Feeling".

It's like a man saying that he buys Playboy magazine because he wants to "read the articles".

What do you think?

Chet Waters is the BMW Specialist. Learn How To Find Your BMW And At A Price You Can Afford. Go To:

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