What You Should Know Before You Choose A DVD For Your Car

By: Gregg Hall

The cars of today really are amazing while offering all sorts of extras. Regardless of what type of car a person is looking for, it seems like one feature that always in demand these days is a DVD player. One of the reasons that the DVD players inside of automobiles have become so popular is because they are great for those who have children. Often when kids act up in the car it is out of boredom and this can lead to great frustration for the parents. With the DVD feature a parent can pop in a Sponge Bob DVD and the kids will remain intrigued for as long as necessary. Imagine going on vacation by car and how much easier it would be if the children could be entertained by watching cartoons and movies.

There are various types of DVD players for use in vehicles such as the portable version and in dash. Portable DVD players inside of the car are cheaper and more versatile but are a bit more bulky and can encounter more problems. These types of DVD players are usually powered by a car's 12 volt power adapter. Usually they can also be powered from ones home power supply as well.

Unlike the portable DVD player, the in dash DVD player is actually wired into your car's entertainment system. The screen can be located in a number of places such as in the console or a screen could even drop down from the roof for viewing. The possibilities are virtually endless and each season when the new cars come out consumers are very interested in finding out what new trinkets are hidden inside. Now these types of DVD players can not function outside of the vehicle but they do not require any extra set up either. While both have their pros and cons as one might be distracting to the driver while the other leaves the passenger in the front seat bored to tears, you can be assured that manufacturers are certainly working out the bugs and will soon offer perfection.

The quirks are all being worked out and just as anything else the prices will drop and they will become more of a necessity than a luxury. They will likely be included in many vehicles rather than just upscale luxury cars to which they are currently associated with now. When you consider the changes that have been made in vehicles through the past decade or so in terms of what has been removed and what has been added, it truly is astounding. Ashtrays and lighters have been removed on most cars while seatbelts and DVD players have been added to newer models.

The DVD player certainly serves a purpose which is entertaining while on the road and it does just that whether it is a short ride or a long ride, you can pop in a movie or two if necessary and pacify children and adults alike for many hours. The only thing that will be left for the kids to argue over is which movie they will watch.

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