If you have a car club then you need to have a website or already have one because it will bring your car club more attention and it will make more and more people want to be in it if they see people sporting your club.
With the number of car clubs that you know of how many do you know of that have their own website? That's right if you have a car club then you need to get busy on making a car club website for your club. If you have a website then you can do so much more with your club such as sell shirts and memberships. A website for your car club will bring more people to your club then ever because people are always looking on Google for a club so if your website is the first set of results to pop up then you will be getting more and more people that want to be in your club.
If you are trying to decide whether a website is a good investment or not then you need to think again because you can buy a domain for as little as $5. So after you buy your domain all you need to do is get started on building your website and after your website is done you just start putting the names of some members on your site and what not. You can even make up a certain area for your site to be devoted to your team because you may have a team of just a few members that are dedicated to your car club.
A well made website for your car club should offer news and where the car clubs meet. If you have more then that is good because it lets the person reading know that they are about cars and that they are serious and this is a serious site so they might even make a donation to your club. You will need to have members listed on your club and where your club is based out of.
The main reason why clubs will use websites is so that they can list events that are coming up and so they can get info out to the members in the car club. Someone in the club might say well I didn't know about that meeting last week well it was on the blog on our website if you ever looked at our site you would know. That is how you find the right members that are for you and your club.
In general many clubs find that using a website is helpful and can bring good business to the club if done right. If you have a website for your car club already then you should start listing it on your stickers so people will learn more about your club and so that people will know your name. If nobody knows about your car club how are you ever supposed to get more members?