The Sweden-based, Ford Motor Company owned Volvo is the world's best known car manufacturer when it comes to safety, and this can be proven by the company's lineup of cars which boasts of the most number of safety systems on board. While safety is the main concern of the company in the production of their cars, they are also concerned and are making progress in making their car's designs look cool. The interior of their cars are also one of the best in the world and that is quite a feat considering they are up against tough competition like the Audi line of vehicles. Performance is not neglected though, this is apparent in the company's recent use of V8 engines on their Volvo XC90 and S80 models.
While recently released cars have been moving away from the boxy design that Volvo was known for in the past decades, the safety standards implemented by the company are still very much intact. The newly unveiled Volvo C30 is a concrete proof of this - the car is the first outing of the company in the compact luxury car segment and the car's exterior design is anything but boxy. The emphasis now is in the design but the safety standards are still maintained. Another example is the Volvo S80, while still employing the latest safety systems the interior design is given much attention. The car's performance is also upgraded due to its new V8 engine and its high performance .
Emphasis may have shifted to the design of the cars being developed by the company but their vehicles still have the best in safety implements. Ever since the company started by introducing the safety cage as a safety feature in 1944, they have carried on the task of making sure that the cars they produce would be safe for the driver and passengers as well. Security research teams have been organized, too, to further increase the number of safety implements that their car will carry. Features like a laminated windscreen, padded dashboard, head restraints, and three-point safety belts, just to name a few, have been common to all cars produced by the company.
The company's dedication to providing safe cars to the public still continues today, using technological advances to further protect the users of their cars. Standard now on all Volvo models are the anti-lock braking system (ABS), driver and passenger airbags, automatic adjustment of the safety belts, high level brake light, and wide angle door mirrors among many others. Also integrated in recent car models is the Whiplash Protection System which absorbs the impact from rear collision by letting the seat move back with the occupant to protect his or her spine and neck. Another safety feature is SIPS or Side-impact Protection System which is there to protect the occupants in cases of side collisions.
Aside from these, there are a lot more safety features like the Roll Stability Control, the Rollover Protection System for convertibles, Intelligent Driver Information System, Blindspot Information System - which alerts the driver if anything has entered his blindspot, and the Collision Warning with Brake Support - which not only alerts the driver if he is about to collide with a car in front but also primes the brake for immediate deployment. Other recent features developed and being employed by the manufacturer on their car are the Adaptive Cruise Control System which maintains a set distance from the car in the front as well as the Park Assist system which uses cameras that help drivers park their car safely.