ATV Crashes - The Eye Opening Statistics

By: Corbin Newlyn

Thousands of deaths each year are the result of ATV crashes. The toll that these crashes take usually result injuries ending in death or permanent physical damage. Spinal cord and brain injuries are quite common. An increasingly high number of these accidents involve children and teens under the age of 12.

ATV crashes are usually the result of the person driving using irresponsible practices and not paying attention. The dangers associated with the improper operation of an ATV are typically the result of young drivers who are usually inexperienced. A majority of ATV operators do not wear a helmet which is one of the primary safety requirements. Additionally, the majority of ATV crash deaths are accounted for by head injuries.

To the surprise of many people, drug and alcohol use are responsible for up to 30% of ATV crashes. By using an ATV while you are under the influence of either drugs or alcohol can end up leading to a disregard for ATV safety as well as a lack of concentration. Excessive speed as well as areas of operation that are not rideable can end up being deadly.

You will find that many individuals use their ATV on roads that are public which creates a higher risk of a two vehicle accident. Because ATVs have a higher center of gravity that can contribute to instability while traveling at high speeds. The majority of crashes happen typically within the first 30 days of ownership prior to the operator having a chance to becoming proficient with their ATV operations.

ATV Crashes -- Having to Deal with the Consequences

The majority of ATV crash trauma and death happen with minors who are 16 years old or under. Parents of these adolescents typically fail to comprehend the significance and importance of safety education and supervision. Physicians experience a high degree of difficulty to address grief stricken parents after such an accident has occurred.

In the event of permanent damage or death many parents feel they are to blame. This is an occurrence that many parents will have to live with for the rest of their lives. It is a tragic fact that parents do not comprehend the potential hazards and dangers before it's too late.

ATV crashes also account for many millions of dollars each year in medical expenses. Tragically, it is a rare occasion when a crash does not end up requiring medical attention. This can be a traumatic experience if the family happens to not have health insurance.

ATV Safety Practices

If you're going to ride an ATV you should always wear protective clothing and a helmet. Investigate your local area for ATV rider education programs which show you the best rider safety instructions. Never let your teenager carry a passenger on the ATV and whenever possible stop or at least limit the riding upon public roadways.

Do not let your teenager ride an ATV that is too large in size for them to be able to handle and never allow them to operate any ATVs that have only three wheels. Safety education and supervision is very important and could very likely save the life of your child or even your life.

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