While there are many benefits to home security alarm monitoring, there are some downsides as well. The ongoing cost of having such security can be quite substantial.
The monitoring fee charged varies from company to company, but it typically ranges from around $10 at the low end to $50 per month.
You may also consider being locked into a contract to be another downside. Again, the length of a security alarm monitoring contract varies, 36 months being fairly typical.
When it comes to the cost of the equipment itself this is not too much of a problem for most people, as it is a one time cost. Prices vary widely, not only from alarm company to alarm company but between the different systems and what is included with them.
Then there are the deals where you are provided with a security alarm for 'free' and what can be better than free? Except that we are told there is no such thing as a free breakfast. When you consider the monitoring cost over the contract term you can see that it does not hurt the alarm company too much to provide you with the equipment. Sometimes there is an activation/connection fee attached to these free deals, sometimes not.
Why then is security alarm monitoring so popular?
Because it works is the short answer. In effect having your home security monitored by an alarm company is like having someone standing watch and ready to summon help should the need arise.
Should your alarm be triggered the equipment immediately informs the monitoring center. Steps are then swiftly taken to ascertain if it is a real emergency, and if so, to contact the authorities quickly in regards to the emergency. This takes place whether you or a member of your family are at home or not.
One benefit that very few people take into consideration is savings on homeowners insurance. By having extensive home security like this, you can save on your homeowners insurance cover. Because there is a constant lookout, insurance companies are more lenient, knowing that help is just around the corner should someone attempt to break in to your home.
With the seemingly ever increasing amount of burglaries and home invasions, the ongoing cost of home security monitoring may be worth it for your peace of mind alone. And this ongoing outlay not only protects your most financially valuable asset, your home, but also something even more precious, your family.
You do need to compare monitoring plans and deals, the most expensive may not be the best for you, and neither may the cheapest.
Home security alarm monitoring goes a long way in protecting your home, but you still need to back it up by being security minded. You still need to make sure that you lock your windows and doors when you go out, it is still wise to make your home look occupied even when you are out, you still need to be wary of who you invite in to your home.
And, importantly, if you do have security alarm monitoring installed, it will do you no good at all unless you remember to activate it.