A Look at the Transparent Adhesive Scotch Tape

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

Every time we need to seal a package or stick together two objects and so on, the scotch tape is probably the handiest element we get to use. Produced by the 3M Company, scotch tape is one of the most popular and famous adhesive tapes in the world. It comes in a variety of sizes and models. The transparent scotch tape is by far the most common as it gets to be used in almost any household; it has the great property of being highly useful without revealing its presence at all. For instance, if you decorate a Christmas present, all the ribbons will look like simply belonging to the box without any trace of being added afterwards.

Before the scotch tape was invented, cellophane materials were widely used for sealing due to the same transparency properties. Presently, hardly anyone would say 'scotch tape' as it is more common to simply call it 'scotch'; thus, like in many other cases a brand name has been converted into a generic name mainly used for any transparent adhesive tape. The product can be purchased for very generous prices and it is available in any office store even if it isn't always manufactured under the 3M brand name.

The name of scotch tape was also been used by the company to designate the professional audiovisual magnetic tape products, which were popularly labeled as such till the beginning of the 90s. With the great development of computers and of new recording equipment, this type of scotch tape for magnetic devices became somehow obsolete. Consequently, scotch tape as an adhesive sealing item remained the only one in the business to be widely exploited and developed. From a certain point of view we can even talk about a scotch tape family that includes several types of products.

Let's consider for instance the case of the scotch tape widely known as the magic tape; the main specificity of the product lies in its unique frosty appearance. However, when applied on paper for instance, it remains totally invisible; the great part about it is that one can write on it with the marker, the pen and even the pencil. One may also choose between scotch tape varieties that include either long term resistance or removable features. Hence, this magic design is presently one of the best sold in the branch and it enjoys an international reputation due to its excellent quality and amazing properties.

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