How to Avoid a Deadly Hurricane Season in 2008

By: Glen B. Stewart

It's hurricane season again in 2008. Is your home and family fully prepared for hurricane season 2008?

Fortunately there has been a guardian angel working full-time behind-the-scenes for the past three years. This guardian angel has found a way to reduce hurricane strength using only the powers of his mind. Holy cow. The more stunning than that fact ñ That person is real and alive today. This person happens to be me.

Yes I know... Holy -

Being a holistic health researcher for a past 32 years I studied the connection between the body and mind and spirit. Time after time I found myself fascinated by the extraordinary relationships between the three. Research taught me that the body could influence the mind and vice versa. And in fact the spirit could influence the other two as well.

I also extensively studied a principle called mind over matter. Mind over matter takes place when the mind takes a personís normal ability to a clearly new level. In some cases such as in martial arts traditions, mind over matter practices have taken place for centuries.

As a 15-year-old I witnessed my neighbor, a 2nd degree black belt do a cinderblock breaking with his bare hand. I was absolutely stunned and amazed. I enrolled in a martial arts class within weeks. My four sisters and 3 1/2 year old kid brother joined full time two weeks latter. I discovered true feats of the extraordinary for the next three years. Then Madison Square Garden held an international martial arts exhibition in 1976. I was stunned at an entirely different level forever.

Over the years I gravitated towards manís quest to heal ourselves naturally. My mind over matter research led me to the sacred practice of energy healing. This still leading edge practice extends as far back as 25,000 years ago. Our earliest energy healers were known as the Atlantean race. Their culture was known to have many energy healing based centers for health.

The energy healing session can be enhanced with other mutually beneficial practices. One example is the use of quartz crystals are known to enhance the intentions of an energy healer. These crystals work on enhancing the vibrational levels of the body.

The finest healing crystals are ideally tuned to the same frequency as water. Theories being because the human body is comprised primarily of water, it could be influenced at that frequency.

Energy healing has been known to reverse or assist in the healing of virtually all known sickness disease and injury.

What is even more fascinating was recently discovered by Glen B. Stewart. The Stewart principal has rewritten how mankind will heal ourselves and everything around us in the future. The principal is to combine multiple energy healers worldwide manifesting towards a single cause. This Stewart principle points out that healing energies and divine intentions towards a single cause was proven successful.

ìImagine if mankind were to get together and manifest a single focused positive energy healing intention - a global harmonic synergy would be createdÖî ñ Glen B. Stewart

This harmonic synergy would provide the multiple benefits of all practitioners that took place in the focused energy healing. As in all other forms of of holistic health, and natural balance of different healing practices has provided a fuller spectrum of benefit than any singular holistic healing practice.

The ancient art of Energy Healing spans seven continents and every ancient culture. In ancient times they were known as Seers, Medicine Men, Energy Healers, and Shape Shifters. In the 1800ís a form of energy healing known as Reiki practitioners evolved out of Japan.

These Stewart principal is based on the concept of discovering all possibilities - than merely discarding what does not work. 100% Free of preconceived thoughts or favoritism. That is the future of healing any body mind spiritual and now forces of nature. Today is a very special day indeed.

From those who know the value of preparing for a potentially deadly hurricane ahead of time be sure to click on the links in my resource box below for more hurricane survival training. Glen B. Stewart

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