Apartment Living: Finding and Creating Your Home Apartment

By: Wayne M

Looking for an apartment can be a very tedious and time consuming task. Not to mention the stress involved of making sure that the apartment has everything that you want. However, your worries don't end there. Once you have gotten your perfect apartment, next comes fitting it with furniture and making it into a home.

If you are lucky, you already have furniture, and won't need to worry about outfitting your apartment and spending your precious budget. But, if you are some of those unlucky few who has nothing but a few items to bring to their new apartment there are different ways to cut corners and save yourself some money in the process of turning your apartment into a home.

If you don't mind used items, there are a couple of great ways to get the things you need at affordable prices. One way would be to spend a Saturday or two going to yard/garage sales. This is a great way to find awesome items at very affordable prices-and don't be afraid to haggle prices. Haggling prices is one of the fun aspects of yard sales. Going to yard sales to look for the items you need allows you to get all the essentials you need and still have money left over to buy other things to add personal touches to your new apartment. Another way would be to go to places such as the Salvation Army or a Good Will. These places have used items that people have donated, and are at very affordable prices. Shopping at either these two places also has the added benefit of helping those in need, because they are non-profit organizations.

If you just can't stand the thought of having used furniture in your home and have a tight budget, then stick with the essentials on your first shopping spree to outfit your apartment. There are a handful of 'essential' items that you will need within the first days of apartment living. A bed, but remember to check the size of your bedroom and see how big of a bed it will hold, as well as keeping in mind that you will need the sheets, pillows and comforter to go with it. A kitchen table or desk and a chair is essential because you have to eat and if you are in school, you'll need a place to study. If you can't afford a real table, you can always look into getting a card table; and a card table has the added perk that a lot times it comes with 4 chairs. Dishes and cookware are extremely important items to get as it is a lot cheaper to eat at home and buy groceries than it is to go out to eat every meal. And you can be picky about what you get, just start with the basics. Other things that you need to consider are the number of trash cans you need, taking into consideration the number of bathrooms and whether or not you will be recycling, a shower curtain and rings, curtains and blinds if they don't come with the apartment, a chest of drawers or hanging closet organizer if you don't have much closet space and a sofa or futon for when you have company.

All in all, buying and obtaining the things that you need to turn your perfect apartment into a home can be a very fun task. With an apartment being a small space, you don't need a lot to turn it into a home. There are also numerous ways to save money in getting the items that you need, you just need to know where to look.

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