Foreclosed Homes: Winning Real Estate at Great Discounts

By: philip smith

Although it is the dream of most citizens to one day own a home of their own, many have been deterred by the recent drop in the real estate market. Over the past three or four years, we've seen the market fall quite far. Home values have bottomed out and lost investors incredible sums of money, and no one is sure when the market will rebound and start providing good investment value again. But the one market sector that is flourishing is the market for foreclosed homes.

Foreclosed homes are untraditional real estate sales, and therefore aren't as popular or well advertised as open market homes. However, the values they provide are unparalleled, and homebuyers can often find deals ranging anywhere from 10 to 50% off the market value of a property simply because they are sold as repossessions by lenders. Buying for below market values is the essence of making a good investment, as the property has instant appreciation value; you've profited off your investment as soon as the sale closes!

And today's market for foreclosed homes is surging and offering incredible deals allover the country. The national foreclosure index has more than tripled in the past two years, and many cities are seeing rates as high as 5% of all their homes in some stage of foreclosure. This surplus market is driving down prices even lower than usual!

We advise getting involved in foreclosed homes now, as 2008 is primed to be one of the biggest years yet for these unique properties. Try searching for foreclosed homes listings with an online service like to easily locate properties in your area. can also help by teaching you more about the buying process and providing advice.


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