At one time, selling a home was best left to professionals. Today, there are many tools to assist a home owner sell a house on their own. And they often do it faster and better. Turn on the television and you will see a plethora of programs dedicated to the art and science of selling your house. Homeowners are beginning to realize that they have the power to sell their own homes and keep more money in their pockets.
If you've decided to sell your house, one of the first things to do is make it market-ready. Many homeowners believe this means fixing drywall dents, painting, replacing carpeting and such. While these things are important, there are other aesthetic considerations to consider. Some are less expensive and may help sell your house quickly without undertaking a major renovation project.
Many home buyers have their own ideas about things like floor coverings. Unless there is structural damage or the carpeting is in bad repair, money sunk into a floor renovation may not be the best use of your assets. Instead, it makes more sense to direct your financial efforts into changes which will improve the aesthetics of your home, "dress it up," but won't alter it.
Changes such as:
* Painting. A new owner will probably come in and paint again anyway. But a new coat of paint can go a long way to improving the appearance of a home's interior. Look for bargains on paint, like mis-tints, overstock sales, etc. Don't worry as much about picking a color that appeals to you personally. Rather, pick a color that is modern, but not garish and most of all, cost efficient!
* Curtains. Curtains are a great way to dress up a room. If you're handy with a sewing machine, make curtains out of secondhand fabric or even old sheets. If you don't sew, purchase some very basic and inexpensive curtains. Dress those up by adding decorative pulls or tie-backs.
* Consider renting furniture. If your own furniture is sparse or worn, consider renting some furniture for a month or two. Furniture rental is relatively inexpensive and nice furniture can really change a prospective buyer's perception of your home's interior. Spending $50-$150 on furniture rental is better than letting your home languish on the market for several months.
* Move your furniture. Maybe your furniture isn't arranged to highlight your interior's best aesthetic appearance. Practice a little bit of amateur feng shui and try different arrangements. Move things closer together or further apart until you get a look that is no longer stagnant.
* Embellish with things that you have on hand. Remember those paper fans that Aunt Gertie brought you from her trip to China? They can be turned into a decorative, Zen-like display when combined with a clear glass vase of water, rocks and a Siamese fighting fish to fill a wall alcove or grace a table top.
* Enlist the help of a friend. Sometimes when you've lived in a home for a long time, you no longer see it through the eyes of an outsider. Chances are that amongst your friends and acquaintances, you have at least one friend who is creative and visionary. Let this friend be your objective eyes. Invite him or her over to give you a perspective on your home. They will likely spot things that you don't. Together you may come up with ideas that will dress up your home and help you sell your house faster.
The key is not to spend money but rather to spend a little time looking at your house in a new way. Put yourself in the shoes of a prospective buyer. Take an afternoon to visit other homes for sale in your area if you need a little bit of inspiration on how to dress up your own home. It really doesn't take much money or even time to prepare your house for sale and to sell it quickly.