Advantages of Buying a New Home

By: Jayson

If you are in the market to buy a home, you have likely had trouble deciding between a new home and a resale home. It is a buyer's market right now which means that there are several great homes to choose from for every home buyer. There are many advantages in purchasing a new home and just as many advantages in purchasing a resale home. This article will explore some of the reasons why you might want to purchase a new home.

A huge reason why many home buyers have opted to purchase a new home in recent months is because of the available incentives home builders are offering. In most cases, because of the large incentives, home buyers can purchase a new home for less than a resale home. In addition, home builders make purchasing a home from them easier because they offer down payment assistance or trade-in programs. Home builders have the money and ability to effectively communicate their home specials to the public, resale homeowners offering large incentives can't always tell people about them.

Another factor appealing to many home buyers is that a new home is just that, new. Most of these homes are located in new communities around new commercial centers and near new parks. Many home buyers like knowing that they'll be the first person, or family, living in the home. They like the feel of a new home with new carpet, new tile and new appliances. Many of them choose to customize the home to their wants and needs and like the ability to do so.

Home building trends change over the years, in most cases these changes lead to greater efficiency and a better use of available space. Most new homes have energy efficient windows, appliances and building materials that decrease energy costs and use, one example is better insulation. In addition, home builders discover ways to better distribute space such as the recent trend towards 10 foot ceilings or the introduction of a Grand room which is a combination of a Kitchen and Living room and allows family's more time together.

Buying a home is an exciting experience and can be overwhelming. There are several advantages to buying a new home and just as many advantages to buying a resale home. Each home buyer has different needs and wants, be sure that you explore all of your needs and wants before deciding on a home. The most important thing is that you and your family are happy.

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