Environment Friendly Removals? How Any Company Can Go Green

By: Nick Jones

Having a cleaner environment may not be on top of your list when you are about to move house, but it should be on your list, maybe just after the idea of an environment friendly home.

If you know what is meant by moving in a more environment friendly manner, you will never throw away anything that is recyclable. Instead you will recycle the hazardous waste material in a proper manner. Few examples of these can be old papers and magazines that you have been planning to go through one fine day which never arrived or the old glass jars that you used earlier to store some stuff in your refrigerator.

On the other hand, if you feel bogged down by such a task you can hire a firm of packers and movers that have environment friendly removal policies in theory and practice.

To begin with, you must go in for used boxes as you will need quite a few of them. You will need boxes for most items, such as books, clothing, and your everyday dishes. A used box saves the environment in two ways. You don't have to discard the old boxes and you won't have to use more trees to create a new box for those items. Of course, you may need a new box for some delicate items like your good china, but most of the boxes needed for packing your stuff can be used boxes. Alternatively, you should give your new boxes for re-use to the removalist so that he can use it again for another of his clients.

The removalists can really contribute in having a cleaner environment with their vehicles if they use the most fuel-efficient vehicles, and maintain them properly to lower emissions and pollution. This way they can contribute towards a cleaner environment. It is good to see many removalists using latest in information friendly technology by using ethanol-powered trucks that reduce the environmental impact of their work.

A very popular environment friendly initiative launched in Australia is called "hopper stopper." It is a device which when fitted in front of a vehicle helps in reducing road kills. It emits a very high-pitched sound which though inaudible to humans is audible and extremely annoying to wild animals, including kangaroos. The hopper stopper helps to save wildlife and is environment friendly. It is also good for insurers and people using the services of removalists, since it reduces the cost too.

If you pack your stuff properly, you can help the removalists in their environment friendly efforts. For instance, you should use the "greenest" packing materials, available. If you need paper or padded wrapping, try to locate somebody who has shifted recently and can offer their stuff to you. This is where your removalist can play the intermediary role by getting recycled packing materials or by helping you recycle your packing material after you are through with your move.

Essentially, you should have the will to make a green move so that you do the least damage to the environment. Removalists will walk an extra mile to make it possible if they are aware that you too care about a cleaner environment. If you're not about your removalist environment friendly approach and practices, you must ask and insist on it. You can assist the removalist by making suggestions about used boxes and recycled packing materials to minimize the negative environmental influences of your move.

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