Boston Schools Train Their Own Teachers

By: Patricia Hawke

All schools need talented, motivated and inspiring teachers. Without them, students would be hard-pressed to meet the ever-changing standards set forth by local, state, and federal education officials. For those who wish to work in the classrooms of Boston Schools, support and training awaits.

All types of teachers must have appropriate, effective training in order to be successful. New recruits, experienced professionals, and teachers who are staying in the classroom but changing fields are all in need of support. Boston Schools leaders have recognized this necessity, and are working on the implementation of a plan to make sure the teachers get what they need.

New Boston Schools Teachers

For the new Boston Schools teacher, it is imperative to set-up a blanket of support. Think about it, they've just gotten out of college where they've probably received a good education, but one that is mostly theory. Mentoring these new educators will help them realize their goals and help them implement their philosophies. The new Boston Schools' teacher should never be handed a key to the classroom and a grade book with the words, "Good Luck!"

Too often, this is exactly what happens, and guess what? They don't usually stick around very long. Sometimes, new teachers don't come straight from college, but straight from the board room. Many, many professionals eventually turn to teaching as a way to feel like they are contributing to the greater good. These folks, too, need lots of support of their passion for becoming teachers. They need quality training (and quickly) so that they are prepared to jump right in and begin teaching their Boston Schools students.

Experienced Boston School Teachers

Experienced teachers also are in need of ongoing training. Whether through teacher inservices or access to higher degree programs, it is the responsibility of Boston Schools to make sure the teachers are getting what they need. A variety of seminars and workshops are offered through the Boston Schools' district throughout the school year, and are available to teachers on "inservice" days when students have the day off. Inservice meetings are free to Boston Schools teachers and only require an investment of time. In addition, Boston Schools may offer tuition for teachers to get their Master's Degrees at little or no cost. Some colleges also offer free tuition in exchange for the teacher taking on a student intern.

Boston Schools' Teachers who wish to change their field of expertise - a middle school math teacher who wants to teach 3rd grade, for example - must not only change their certification, but take the classes and training required by the state to do so. Some school systems even offer cash incentives to get teachers in the high-need fields of math and science. For the most part, training of this sort can be had through Boston Schools' professional development offices.

It is important to realize that Boston Schools are not only responsible for educating students; they are also responsible for educating the teachers. Without continuing professional development through mentoring, inservice days, and help with college tuition, teachers would not be able to acquire the educations they need.

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