Better Marketing Techniques for Rental Agents and Managers

By: David Graham

Today Real Estate rental is playing vital role all over U.S. and the real estate rental market is a major online business. Most of the people used to look at the local newspaper, TV advertising, and more when it came to finding a home for rent. The internet is now arguably the best tool for searching and finding properties in U.S. whether it may be an apartment for rent, home for rent or lease, condo rentals, vacation rentals, and more. The internet is by far easiest and most productive way of searching and many of the better sites offer multiple photos, virtual tours, maps, brochure printing and complete agent information. This is the reason why, real estate agents, realtors, property owners are opting for internet marketing for advertising their properties and for finding customers. The internet user has more information available to them than a simple print advertisement and this result in a much better inquiry for the realtor or property manager.

There are several sites which offer available homes, apartments, condos and other residential properties for rent and lease throughout the USA. Some internet sites specialize in apartments and others in single family homes. Very few web sites include all types of accommodation that can easily be sorted effectively the only thing a user needs to choose is the best site that provides the right residential property.

Advertisers face a mass of choices when advertising a rental property and because typically rentals do not stay long in the market place for long, home agents and property owners are reluctant to spend money on marketing other than an old fashioned print advertisement in a local paper.

Even today the typical Agent and Owner alike collectively do not consider the amount of time they waste in showing properties that result in an unqualified enquiry from a three or four line advertisement in a newspaper. The time creating a web advertisement with multiple pictures , virtual tours and location maps, not to mention printing brochures, do not seem to justify the time and expense until an agent starts to consider the amount of time they can save by generating a serious enquiry from someone who knows what a property is like inside and out.

Newspapers are starting to become very aware of the problem they face in competing with the internet and now most newspapers have an online presence and place most classifieds and business advertisement online. This however does not compete with the independent professional web site that specializes in a particular marketplace. Some newspapers are now refusing to take advertisements from private advertisers that include a web URL that direct a user to see more information on the internet. The reason given to us in most cases is – “You’re in competition”!

Location maps help a potential renter to see how far they are from work or to take the children to school and online brochure printing helps both the renter and advertising agent.

Larger Apartment complexes are much more available online to view because apartment managers and owners typically always have vacancies available throughout the year. It is definitely worth it for these types of premises to spend a major portion of their advertising budget for web sites and an online presence in the major rental national web sites to help fill these vacancies. The most difficult part for the potential renter is being able to see the type and interior of the actual unit available and not just a generic show unit, typically advertised to draw them in. Very often this type of approach leads to a lot of wasted time for both renter and agent when the type of unit they see online is not typical of the units available. Ideally web sites should be able to display a wide selection of units available as possible and not show rented units or units not current or readily available for rent.

Many potential renters find also that a lot of inventory on some very reputable web sites are out of date, just been rented, and sometimes blatantly advertised as available just to be told by the agent “ that’s ones just rented but I have ten others just like that one to show you if you’d like to come in I’ll show you around” The reason agents and property owners advertise properties to indicate that a home is available is to generate an enquiry in the hope that they will rent another similar unit or home to the person enquiring. It saves the advertiser time in keep uploading new properties online and paying again for a second, third or sometimes a lot more advertisements. This type of advertising strategy is not helpful to either the agent or the client in terms of lost time.

Internet sites with high impact web pages, with multiple photos, maps, virtual tours, with unrestricted viewing, and easy online control of properties rented and active by the advertiser are now becoming more prominent as both the advertiser and renter become more educated in the use of the internet. Older and established web sites that rely on limited information, user registrations to view property, thumbnail photos, or even no photos, are losing market share and newer, and easier to use web sites are fast becoming more popular in the ever changing world of the internet.

After all the internet is primarily an information tool first and if a user cant find the information that will entice them to your product whatever it may be then they will definitely go somewhere else where they can find it. Time is an all important part of today’s world and if it saves time then that’s the way everyone wants to do it.

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