Are you planning to relocate in the near future? This means you will need to pack and move your things as well. Are you ready for the move? You must have heard many horror stories of breakage, loss, theft, etc., of things while they are in the possession of the moving company. How do you ensure that your things would be taken care of and they suffer minimal or no damage, during the transition?
Use the following checklist to ensure that your things stay safe:
1.Select Your Moving Company With Care - use only reputable, well-know companies, because they are likely to be very careful about their name and reputation. Besides, they have a better network, more qualified and trained personnel and better clout (where necessary), so your things will not be delayed on the way.
2.Read the contract carefully - ensure that you understand what you are signing in the form of the contract with the moving company. There is often a no further liability clause that would leave you without scope for demanding reimbursement for damages during the transit. If this occurs, refuse the contract or re-negotiate.
3.How much is the insurance coverage - Find out the exact coverage of the insurance that the moving company offers. Most of the moving companies will offer only partial coverage. In order to be safe, you will have to take out a comprehensive insurance policy that covers the trip from start to delivery point. While you are on the topic, ensure that you are aware of the maximum liability the company accepts in case of any mishap.
4.Be prepared for the worst - There is a wonderful saying, "Always hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst." This is great advice in any situation. In this case, what could be the worst possible scenario? Loss, breakage, partial damage? In case this happens, you will need to make a claim and, for that, the more documentation you have to support your claim, the better the insurance company's response.
5. Hence, you will need to make a very detailed inventory of all the things you are packing and, if possible, have a photograph of the furniture and appliances that you are packing together and/or separately. Establish their value and locate the bills and invoices (ownership, registration, etc. as applicable) for all the things that you are sending with the moving company. Provide a list to the insurance company and the moving company. This will insure that you have minimal documentation to do, should anything does go wrong.
With a little planning and a lot of foresight, you should be covered for all possible risks that occur with relocation and moving companies.