Online auction houses web-sites such as eBay and PayPal attract millions of customers worldwide. They provide an easy platform to buy and sell virtually anything on the click of the mouse. The simplicity and the convenience is what attract the customers most. But many times, either fraudulently or mischievously, an attempt is made to cheat the customers. So how do customers arm themselves against such fraudulent practices? The answer is simple! By keeping in mind the following handy tips...
&bull Customers before induldging in an online auction at any online auction house should check the records of the web site and previous customers' feedbacks and ratings. The trading history should be noted.
&bull The items that customers wish to purchase through online auction houses should be thoroughly reviewed and checked. Customers should note down the model number, color and review the pictures and description. The retail price of the product should also be verified as the amazingly low price the online auction websites offer maybe too good to be true.
&bull The most common way by which sellers bluff customers in online auction houses is by lowering the price of the good but increasing the cost of the delivering the goods drastically. The customers should always keep a check on the mode of delivering the goods and the time in transit.
&bull Fraudulent online auction houses tend to ask customers to pay via those mediums by which there whereabouts cannot be traced. Payment via Western Union Money Transfer should be avoided as the customers will have no clue as to where their money is going. The most common mode of payment is via credit card and online payment service such as PayPal. Payment in cash is a strict no-no.
&bull The terms and conditions of the online auction houses should be read carefully.
&bull Other safety measures that one should take are
1) Protection against virus
2) Keeping track of their bidding.
In the meantime be safe and enjoy your bidding! No matter whatever cons are associated with it, online auction is a fun and very convenient way to shop and is worth the risk. Be Safe and Carry On!!