Energy Efficiency in New Homes

By: Scott Baxter

Over the period of a year there are quite a number of bills associated with a home. One of the most expensive of these bills usually turns out to be the energy bills. However, this is one bill that can be fairly easy to reduce if you know where to start looking for spots where energy is being wasted. There are usually a number of these in any given home that don't take much effort to fix, try looking at your windows, insulation, lights, appliances and also check for any leaks to the exterior. Combined, these things can add up to a hefty energy bill, yet there are so many opportunities to save some money.

Windows - Single pane windows can radiate heat outwards and do not keep the heat in as well as double pane windows. Also available is a window coating the is easily applied and helps the home to retain heat. Modern and up-to-date windows are a great energy saver and they always look good on any home.

Insulation - Many people only think about insulation in terms of keeping the cold air out but they also help to keep cool air in during summer. During the warm months one of the highest bills can be air conditioning. Make sure your home has a high R-Rating number and check the insulation on a yearly basis for any deterioration.

Lights - Lighting is an area where a lot of money can easily be wasted. Simply changing all the bulbs in your home to compact fluorescent can save hundreds of dollars a year. Also try to conserve the use of lighting by using small occasional lights for areas as opposed to overhead lighting throughout the day.

Appliances- Old appliances use quite a lot more energy than modern ones. Look for appliances with a good energy star rating. These are built according to strict energy conservation standards and are perfect for reducing high energy bills.

Leaks - In a typical home there are a number of places where heat can escape and create a draw on energy consumption. Taking the time to seek these leaks out and have them sealed is a good way to ensure that your home is an energy efficient as possible.

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