Little Aesthetic Improvements Equal Big Money

By: Joe Pinto

In the game of selling homes, one has to be prepared to spend a bit of money to make a lot of money. So often people overlook amazingly simple things that could exponentially increase the selling value of a home. It takes a critical eye to be able to look at your home and think: "ok, what needs to go, what needs to stay, and what needs to be changed?" If you aren't able to accurately gauge this, try asking your realtor for ideas or perhaps your friends will have some good ideas.

Start with the main rooms in your home, the living room for instance. Do you have a fireplace? If so, what kind of shape is it in? How about the mantle? These are two things that are sure to be noticed by any buyer so why not replace them with new items? Nothing lights up a room like a new fireplace and this can be a great selling point.

Now what other items have already seen their best days? A good place to check is the floors. This is an often overlooked area as it is usually covered by furniture and rugs. Have you strategically placed furniture to hide wear spots, stains or scratches? Replacing the floors doesn't have to be the e huge project that many people think it is. Laminate is one of the easiest floors to install and can be done in a relatively short time. Pristine flooring is a huge selling feature and can increase a homes value by quite a bit.

Of course there are the typical things that one would consider in trying to raise the value of their home such as painting the interior and exterior, replacing old, outdated fixtures. It's truly amazing the difference that something as simple as changing the faucets and a few lights can make in a home. As you survey your home, try to pick out areas and things that your viewers may take issue with and see to it that they are dealt with. If you take the time and care to ensure your house is clean and ready to show, the benefits will follow.

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