Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the subject of much public criticism. Many people thought that he was very lucky, some thought he was a genius, some thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some thought that powerful friends and influential people were the "secret" of his great success. Why some people even thought he was so mean, that once he found out there would not be any chocolate in heaven, he would decide not to go. Let's uncover the real story. It's probably true some of these things were involved. Except the last one. But, there was something more about Henry Ford that only very few close friends and family knew. And, those few people didn't speak much about it because it was so embarrassing. You want to know what it is? I thought you did. Read on. Henry Ford had a dream to build a gasoline engine with 8 cylinders in one block. His engineers told him it was impossible. He told them, build it anyway. They said, no way. He said, find a way. After a full year the engineers still had not developed the V-8 engine. Ford told them, I want it, and I'll have it…..Build it. Think about that.. A year. Some of us feel we just swam the English Channel if we spend fifteen minutes learning how to build a website. And then we walk around letting everyone know not to treat us any differently than they would the king. Yeah, right, you're hind……..ous! Well, everyone knows what happened. The engine was built and became a very successful motor for Henry Ford. He had a goal and determination. Nothing was going to stop him; not even twelve months of all his engineers telling him it couldn't be done. Simple?............Yes! If you use it? If you have a simple goal and plan to get there you will achieve it. Some people have a goal and plan for awhile and when they encounter a setback, they lose faith in it.. They start out right, but some "bad" break comes and they start acting like they're a travel agent for guilt trips. Don't let your attitude turn you into a has-been. If you allow set-backs to dampen your spirit it can cause you to put forth only half-hearted and very weak efforts in future endeavors. You just won't have that fire to try with a can-do attitude. Learn or Burn!! Some people just seem to have this Henry Ford type of mind-set all the time. Other people start off with a burst and then fizzle. The vast majority of people have never really learned what this kind of mind-set can do for them. Can it be learned? You bet!! It can be learned just like any other skill. OH………It hurts so good!! But, here's the catch. You knew there would be one, didn't you? It takes EFFORT!! Take a long hard look at your life right now. No, maybe you better not. Just….. kidding. :>) What have you ever accomplished without effort? What have you ever done worthwhile without rubbing elbow grease all over it till it looked like tar baby and ber rabbit chasing sambo through a briar patch? Don't be surprised at this, but, many people think that this kind of mind-set should just fall down and splat all over them while they go tippy-toeing through the tulips all day long like some ding-a-ling. Power is Addictive!! If you know how to make this mind-set work for you, congratulations? You're the minority. Perhaps you have developed and strengthened your desire until life is bringing you everything you wish? Perhaps you haven't? Perhaps you would like to learn the techniques necessary to release that power inside of you so that it will work its magic in your life? You Can Change Your World! I used to be a has-been. Ten years ago life was a struggle for me. Then the ever ending road to finding the success system that never fails began for me. Without a doubt, I get 90 percent of everything in life I attempt. It used to be just the opposite. The techniques I used to develop this kind of power, in my life, I teach every week in my newsletter. The principles for achieving success are universal. They can be learned and taught. All the principles have their foundation in the proper mind-set. Without this…….., well, you had just better have been born very lucky. You're gonna need it. Teaching all the principles of success is obviously beyond the scope of one article. As you follow these weekly morsels and make them a part of your life you will experience success in its most powerful form. And the payoff will be success, health, happiness, wealth, or whatever definite goals you have in life. These will be yours provided you don't violate the universal laws that make them work. Beholding Heaven..............and Feeling He**! Such violations can be very detrimental to your success. Violating these principles are like going to a strip club. You get all charged up, spend a whole lot of money and, go home with that curious dry feeling between your legs. NOTHING!! So, keep your mind on the things you want and OFF the things you don't want. And never underestimate the power of a negative attitude. It can prevent life's most wonderful blessings from coming to you. By Richard Vegas Copywrite, 2002
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