Seeing is believing. Unless your website visitors can experience your newsletter and appreciate its value, they’re unlikely to join your opt-in, email list. By posting your newsletter on your website, you encourage more visitors to subscribe and you drive more profitable traffic to your website each month. - Growing your opt-in email list is one of your most important goals. Your success depends on encouraging a high percentage of website visitors to provide their email addresses and permission to contact them for free via email. Most websites expect visitors to opt-in to email lists without first providing an opportunity for visitors to ‘test drive’ the newsletter. This is like wearing a blindfold when shopping for a car! Thumbnails, reduced size images of newsletters, are not the answer. Visitors are not able to read the value of its information before signing up. As a result, only a small portion of website visitors subscribe and - of those that do – many quickly unsubscribe. - Your second biggest goal is to monetize your educational One-Page Newsletter by generating immediate sales. - The third money-making reason for displaying your newsletter on your website is higher readership. More visitors to your website will likely read your newsletter because they don’t have to first download it. This leads to more sign-ups. The more attractive and informative your newsletter, the more likely visitors will sign-up to receive it. You can prove the consistent high value of your newsletter by adding descriptive links to earlier issues. Although Acrobat Reader PDF format is ideal for distributing newsletters with typography and formatting intact, it is not useful for previewing newsletters. Macromedia’s Contribute 2 is a software program that incorporates Flash Paper technology. With Contribute 2, you can easily add a readable, zoomable and printable version of your formatted newsletter to a page of your website. This means that visitors to your website, without doing anything else, can immediately read and print your newsletter. The newsletter on your website will be an exact replica of the original. Flash Paper versions of your newsletters complement Acrobat versions of the copies you print on your office printer. For the first time, you can combine the credibility and constant visibility of educational newsletters with sales created by free, targeted promotional messages.
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