The Amazonat Jungle Lodge is offering in addition to her standard programming combined land/water expeditions in which the guests will stay part of the time at the lodge and part of the time in a regional boat.
In addition the Lodge is working exclusively with the worldwide re-known primatologist (Time Magazine; “Hero of the Planet Year 2000") Dr. Marc van Roosmalen.
Dr. van Roosmalen, discoverer of numerous plant, bird and fauna species is organizing with the lodge exciting educational expeditions to the region of his discoveries.
It is in these regions that Dr.
van Roosmalen himself will show the visitor recently discovered numbers of tree species not yet known to science; five bird species (i.e., Thryothorus and Microcerculus), and several large-bodied mega fauna elements, among them 7 monkey species (including the second smallest monkey in the world called ‘dwarf marmoset`), two peccaries, one deer, one tapir, a new species of manatee, and even a new dolphin (Inia).
Depending on the season, several of the new species can be observed in and along the river or from observation towers mounted in the middle of the forest.
Moreover, Dr. Van Roosmalen located a number of the deepest and finest known terra pretas, anthropogenic fertile soils manufactured by prehistoric Indians and abandoned at first contact with colonists and Indian invaders hundreds of years ago. During the summer (July-December), unique artistic rock carvings can be admired along some rocky riverbanks.
For more information about these 10 to 14 day expeditions, contact the Amazonat lodge at