Adam Waxler owns and operates The Money Teacher web site and publishes The Money Teacher’s Home Business Tips Newsletter teaching others how to reach online success. To get your free newsletter subscription send a blank email to: or visit our web site at
Sales Copy Tips Writing good sales copy is not an art, it is a science. There is no reason to get creative here. You want to follow the formula that has been proven to work. Nevertheless, I am always surprised at ho...... Similar Editorial : Copywriting Tips for Sales by Karon Thackston. | Source : Internet Business Ideas
Multiply Your Sales When Thomas Edison’s light bulb finally burned for 45 straight hours he said, “If it will burn that number of hours now, I know I can make it burn a hundred.” What does this have to do with internet ...... Similar Editorial : Want More Sales by Dean Phillips. | Source : Online Business Opportunities
The Opt-In Secret Everyone knows that in order to be successful online you need build a large (quality) list through some type of Opt-In offer. You see them now on virtually every site you visit on the internet, some ...... Source : Guide to Online Business
Lose Weight Fast For A Special Occasion If you have just a little weight to lose, and want to take it off fast (say, so you can fit into those great pants for your cousin's wedding), there are a number of diets that you can use. Most of these wouldn't be recommended for long-term weight loss, as they substantially restrict your inta... Similar Editorial : Lose Weight Fast by rankstorm. | Source : Measure Body Fat
Diet Pills: A Lot Of Risk For A Little Loss There are a number of products on the market - both prescription and non-prescription - which claim to be effective weight loss aids. Many of these have been associated with serious medical risks, including heart attack, heart abnormalities, tachycardia, stroke, seizures and death. The side effe... Similar Editorial : Diet Pills by Dana Scripca. | Source : Measure Body Fat
Fad Diets And Why They Dont Stay Fad diets are well known for their promise of bringing some instant weight loss. However, while these diets may help you lose weight quick, they may also create health issues.Here is some helpful fad diet advice:1. It's not recommended to do such a diet for more then 3 to 7 days, ... Similar Editorial : Why Diets Dont Work by Aaron M. Potts. | Source : Diet Secrets
Dangerous Weight Loss Methods We're all looking for that magic pill. You know - the one that we can take and lose weight without really trying!What would you give up to be skinny? How about your health? Well, some of the methods of weight loss may cost you exactly that. Before you decide that the way to lose weight i... Similar Editorial : Weight Loss by mmano229. | Source : Measure Body Fat
Why Fad Diets Dont Work! The answer is simple...fad diets are not natural.Fad diet is the term that describes an array of diet approaches used to temporarily lose weight through unsafe and unrealistic methods. Quick fix programs do not work...although millions of dollars are spent each year. These programs offer ... Similar Editorial : Why Diets Dont Work by Aaron M. Potts. | Source : Diet Secrets