Busting The Credit Card Myth You can find lots of misinformation about money and credit and especially credit cards. Misinformation is misfortune, so arm yourself with The truth before you tackle the credit card demons!Myth #1: "It's all my fault I got into this credit card mess!"The truth: It may not be your fault at all. Credit card companies really are out to get us. You probably just got caught in the trap.Myth #2: ...... Similar Editorial : Busting Traffic Light Myths by Eric Scribener. | Source : Credit Card Offers Balance Transfers
Teaching Your Child Financial Responsibility! It's a tough old world out there and the sooner you start teaching your child about personal financial responsibility the better. Children can learn the basics about money at a very early age.Start when he is about 3 years old. Take him to the grocery store and explain, often and in many ways, that the money you and your mate earn while you are away working is what pays for the food that you are...... Similar Editorial : Teaching a Child Chess by Fran Black. | Source : Home Finance Company
Getting A Domain Name Patience is important since your ideal name may not come for months. But you should not worry because each day there will be a fresh set of domain names expiring and you could get your choice any day.Happy hunting!... Similar Editorial : A Domain Name Is by Carson Danfield. | Source : Internet Domain Name Pg. 3