Christianna Mansfield is the co-owner of Leather Obsession, where you'll find the hottest styles in Leather Clothing and a sexy Leather Skirt made to fit your style.
Why Do Men Love Leather Mini Skirts? It may seem like a fairly unimportant question, but have you ever thought about why men love leather mini skirts so much? Of course, there is the obvious answer that has something to do with the actual amount of a woman’s body that is left showing by a mini skirt verses the amount of the body that is left up to the man’s imagination.... Similar Editorial : Leather Lingerie by Christianna Mansfield. | Source : Fashion Guide
Leather Lingerie: Supple, Sensuous, And Sexy Typically, leather clothing is delegated for two groups: cowboys and bikers. Cowboys wear leather chaps and outwear to protect their bodies from brush, trees, and nature in general. Bikers on the other hand prefer leather to protect them against what is affectionately known as road rash.... Similar Editorial : Leather Repair by Ron Winsor. | Source : Bikini