Erine's extensive education and business background in management and business development allows her to provide trusted and innovative information designed to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and their businesses. To read more from the author please visit: and
Speed Up Debt Reduction By Planning For Emergencies Living the American dream is becoming a nightmare for some. We are taught to believe that the American way is to develop credit as early as possible. As soon as we turn 18, credit card companies are inundating us with offers for credit cards specifically designed for students. We buy cars on credit, we buy houses on credit, and if we are fortunate enough to have a stable income and show good...... Similar Editorial : Debt Reduction by Jay Moncliff. | Source : Debt Free Solution
Credit Cards - The Anchor Keeping You In Debt Credit Cards, The Anchor Keeping You in DebtThe sun is shining on a warm Friday afternoon. You have finished at work early and it is pay day! The weekend is yours, nothing but time. Pulling in the driveway you stop to grab the mail, browsing through the inevitable junk and sale flyers, suddenly the sky begins to darken and the world around you seems to slow down. What is going on? The next...... Similar Editorial : Credit Cards Vs by Nancy Cannon. | Source : Interest Balance Transfer Credit Cards
Creditors And Your Debt - Take Control Creditors - Dealing With DebtTired of creditors calling? Frustrated with trying to decide who gets paid and who doesn't? There are steps you can take to relieve the stress.Resolve to Make the Calls TODAY:It doesn't matter if it has been six months of delinquency or two days, you have to resolve to make the calls today. When you contact the creditor, be respectful, honest, and firm. Don't...... Similar Editorial : Paying Your Creditors by Joe Larson. | Source : Consolidate Debt
In Deep With Debt - Ten Easy Ways To Change Your Spending Habits How far does your paycheck go? It's never far enough for us. Being a grown-up means paying bills. You work, you pay, it's a requirement for survival and not going away. Even though the process of budgeting and bill paying is not ever enjoyable, we hope to provide simple solutions to begin to free up your available cash flow. "I am getting by so why worry?", you say? A sad but...... Similar Editorial : Deep Sea Fishing Charters by natisha. | Source : Debt Consolidation Info
Debt? Am I In Trouble? Finding yourself not sleeping well? Stomach hurts and can't concentrate? Believe it or not these are stress signals. What are you thinking about? Money? The realization that you have found yourself in real financial trouble can and will manifest itself in horrible physical reactions, not to mention the grim reality that there is a lot of work ahead of you that involves, lifestyle changes,...... Similar Editorial : Getting Out of Debt by Ted Batron. | Source : Debt Consolidation Info
Credit Counseling & Debt Repayment Programs Struggling to make your payments?? Is it the luck of the draw of who is getting paid next? Finding yourself in a situation when your payments exceed your income can be both frightening and frustrating.? It is important to know the differences between these programs and the long term impact that it can have on your credit.? Stress created by calls from collections departments, arguments with...... Similar Editorial : Credit Counseling by Jim Vrana. | Source : Debt Consolidation Info
Get Smart With Debt - Pay It Off! Feeling the crunch? Dread opening the mail? Want a better life with less stress? Lets get started.First order of business, define your debt. A typical middle income family will have a car payment, mortgage, credit cards, student loans, and miscellaneous debts. There are a few ways that the debt should be categorized.Revolving/Reoccurring: These debts are often set to be paid on a monthly...... Similar Editorial : Be Smart by ClickandClimb. | Source : Debt Consolidation Info
Credit And Buying A Home Mortgages - Increasing Requirements And Your CreditIf you have ever purchased a home you know exactly how much work you go through to become approved.? With rising foreclosure numbers, lenders finding themselves in financial trouble, property values declining, and a volatile stock market, mortgage companies are finding it necessary to tighten the requirements of loan applications.? In...... Similar Editorial : Buying a Home As by Laine T. Wagenseller. | Source : Selling Your Home