English Language Performance Of Bengali Secondary Students It is indeed bitter to notice that even though serious efforts have been made by the government and educationists for improving the state of affairs of English language teaching for the past few decades in Bangladesh, a bad situation is still found to exist in the achievement of English among the students at all levels, especially among the Secondary students. Therefore, it is really imperative to...... Similar Editorial : Secondary School Learning by Jane Fulton. | Source : Learning French Fast
English Needs Of Students In Bangladesh In a linguistic context, different authors define the term "needs" diversely, and thus different meanings are implied. If needs are 'understood as specific requirements for the foreign language, then the vast majority of learners do not have any. They are deemed to require what the syllabus offers them, and the syllabus is likely to be closely related to the examination, which is a highly...... Similar Editorial : Teaching English To Non by Yvonne Volante. | Source : Learning French Fast
History Of Cad Designers have long used computers for their calculations. Initial developments were carried out in the 1960s within the aircraft and automotive industries in the area of 3D surface construction and NC programming, most of it independent of one another and often not publicly published until much later. Some of the mathematical description work on curves was developed in the early 1940s by Isaac...... Similar Editorial : End Of History by Mithun Bhattacharya. | Source : Lg Computer Monitor
Computer Running Slow?...Heres One Reason "Computer Running Slow?...Here's One Reason!"copyright 2001-02 John EvansJust the other day, my computer started running a little slow. Kind of puzzled me. And I put up withit for a while.But then it got a little irritating. While trying to surf the web, I noticed that web pages were takingmuch too long to load. This is always an irritant. And, Internet Explorer was also taking its timecoming up...... Similar Editorial : Fix a Slow Computer by Steve Faber. | Source : Computer Consulting For
Do You Make Regular Backups? "Do You Make REGULAR Backups? If You Don't...It Could Cost You"copyright 2002 John EvansOne of the very basic computer 'rules' is to alwaysmake backup copies of your important files.That is not only good advice, it's extremely essential.You've probably heard the saying that it's not IF yourhard drive will crash, but WHEN!But crashing is not the only way to lose files. Whatabout accidently deleting...... Similar Editorial : How to Create Backups by Neha Gupta. | Source : Windows Antivirus
June Show Biz & Media Events The 59th Annual Tony Awards will be presented at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on June 5. Songwriter in Residence at the Rockwood is a new program presented by BMI and the Rockwood venue in which an emerging BMI singer/songwriter will perform at the venue every Monday for a month beginning June 6 in New York City. On June 7 in Washington, filmmaker, Stephen Simon, shares a new approach to...... Similar Editorial : Show Your by ARA Content. | Source : Conference Call Uk
Webmasters Stress Now youve gone and done it, because ifI see another of your ads, do you really think Illvisit your site again?For some reason, I dont think so.!Just thought youd like to know.... Similar Editorial : Show Your by ARA Content. | Source : relaxation and stress reduction