How To Protect Vehicle Occupants It's not that Melissa dismissed the notion of fastening her seat belt. The thought just never entered her mind. She and her friends were eager to begin their picnic in the country, and there was more hurry than caution to her actions. At some point Melissa lost control of her car, and it rolled ove... Similar Editorial : Protect Your Job by Susan Chana Lask, Esq.. | Source : Car Buying
Never Argue With A Big Truck It was late on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and Tom was still two hours from his destination. He was cranky and tired, and the transport truck in front of him was hogging the passing lane on the steep incline. Tom flashed his lights several times and honked his horn angrily. The inside lane was blocke... Similar Editorial : LED Truck Lights by Matthew A. Barr. | Source : Truck Guide
How To Protect Yourself From Hypothermia Old Man Winter can be a brutal companion if you aren't adequately prepared to keep his company.About 600 people die each year in American from excessive cold. Hypothermia can occur when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees as a result of prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. I... Similar Editorial : Protect Your Job by Susan Chana Lask, Esq.. | Source : Health Care Reform
How To Use Hand Tools Safely You know Uncle Will: the poster boy for Yankee Ingenuity. He's the guy who can solve any household problem with little more than a hammer and screwdriver.One day Will used a screwdriver instead of a pry bar to rip boards off an old deck. When the screwdriver snapped under the strain, he... Similar Editorial : Maneuver the Bmw Safely by janicewalker. | Source : Home Renovation Ideas
How To Ride Your Bicycle Safely John was following his doctor's orders. The 50-something executive was taking his daily bicycle ride to improve his health. This evening, though, he altered his routine and opted for a more scenic route along a narrow, winding, two-lane road near his home. With no shoulders, the roa... Similar Editorial : Bicycle Helmlets by John Daniele. | Source : Baseball Training
How To Drive Safely At Night And During The Fall After a summer of vigorous off-road adventures, one headlight beam on Stan's SUV strayed across to the shoulder of the far lane. The other beam lit up the tree line on the right shoulder. Which didn't present much of a problem in the summer, but the days were getting shorter now and Stan spent... Similar Editorial : Drive Home Safely by Kenneth Mckinley. | Source : Auto Parts Installation
How To Drive Defensively Here's some information that should bring you to a screeching stop: Your lifetime odds of being killed in a motor vehicle accident are about 1-in-100. Furthermore, each year one of nine drivers is involved in a reported motor vehicle collision. The best offensive against roadway haz... Similar Editorial : If You Drive by News Canada. | Source : Car Accident Prevention
Arrive Alive: How To Drive Long Distances Safely Perry couldn't control his excitement. He had just coached his son's little league team to a city championship, and the adrenaline was pumping through his system. He went to bed but couldn't sleep. At 11 p.m. he rousted his family from bed to inform them they were leaving on their Florida vac... Similar Editorial : Why I Was Alive by Satish Verma. | Source : Defensive Driving
How To Avoid Driving Distractions Susie was driving home with her children after a medical appointment. Driving in the opposite direction was a contractor who was talking on his cell phone to a supplier. While looking at the phone, the contractor lost control of his vehicle, crossed the center line and hit Susie's vehicle head ... Similar Editorial : Dislocating the Distractions by Brian Roe. | Source : Car Customizing
How To Drive Safely In The City To Jack, right-turn-on-red was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He was a person on the go, a man in a hurry. To him every city intersection was just one more obstacle standing between him and his next appointment. Right-turn-on-red was his license to never stand still. Moving,... Similar Editorial : Drive Home Safely by Kenneth Mckinley. | Source : Car Info
Home With A Pool If you are interested in a lap pool or swim spa, simply contact your local pool company and get the ball rolling - youll be glad you did when you are swimming at home and not the local swimming hole... Similar Editorial : About People With Disabilities by Carlo Morelli.
How To Make Snow Ice Always wear a helmet. Children should also wear knee pads and wrist guards. Try not to break a fall with your hands, which could shatter a bone. Instead, try to land on your backside... Similar Editorial : How To Make Snow Ice by John Myre.
How To Barbecue Safely Ummmm! Ummm! Smells good! Somebody just broke out the gas grill, and the neighborhood is awash in the yummy smells of hamburgers, steaks, brats, and hot dogs. Just wants to make you smile, doesn't it? Or cry.The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that more than 15,000 people are treated in ... Similar Editorial : The Best Way to Barbecue Fish by Patrick Tang. | Source : Texas Bbq Sauce
Alcohol Safety Ole was having a heck of time. The World War II fighter pilot had a captive audience at the restaurant, and he was in rare form. The stories became bigger than life, and Ole kept ordering his favorite gin and tonics.After dinner, everyone at the table knew he shouldn't be driving. Everyone except O... Similar Editorial : Seafood Safety At Home by Kc Kudra... | Source : Premium Vodka