Pittsburgh High School Reform Task Force The High School Reform Task ForceSuperintendent Mark Roosevelt announced the creation of the Pittsburgh Public Schools High School Reform Task Force. The High School Reform Task Force, which consists of leaders of both secondary and higher education, private foundations and busines... Similar Editorial : High School by Christopher Amissah. | Source : Education Financial Services
Do You Suffer From Painful, Bleeding Gums? Painful or bleeding gums can have many causes but usually indicate that you already have or are at high risk for developing gum disease. In most cases, plaque at the gum line is the cause of irritation of the gums. From there, more serious problems can develop over time and cause a great deal of pain.When plaque is not removed from your teeth, it hardens into tartar. Tartar is difficult to...... Similar Editorial : Painful Urination by Sharon Bell. | Source : Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry
Cell Phone Safety While Driving An estimated 9 million drivers in the U.S. alone are believed to use their cell phones while driving. This almost unbelievably high number of users is worrying when you consider the number of users that are not using a hands-free device while on the phone. In the U.S. several cities, and even states, have now banned the use of a cell phone while driving; unless the driver incorporates a hands-free...... Similar Editorial : Increasing Your Driving Safety by dmaillie. | Source : Touch Screen Cell Phones
Cell Phones For Seniors A lot of emphasis is placed on cell phones and cell phone services for the business user, the harried mom, and even for kids; however, very little attention is paid to the need that seniors have for a cell phone. Seniors are definitely not going to be the target audience if wireless carriers market their products as "cool, stylish, and trendy!" While having a need for a cell phone, seniors are...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phones by Anne King. | Source : Touch Screen Cell Phones
Cell Phone Travel Tips If you are planning a vacation or business trip, whether a quick trip across to your neighboring state or even an extended stay in another country there are a few tips you can follow to not only ensure you have continuous cell phone coverage but to help you manage your roaming bills. Many carriers charge high premiums for calls made while you are out of your metro area, so it is important that you...... Similar Editorial : Cell Phone Buying Tips by Matthew Hick. | Source : Touch Screen Cell Phones
Cell Phone Etiquette Cell phones have made their way into all aspects of our culture in a, sometimes, rather invasive way. The constant use of cell phones has led many businesses to post signs stating that cell phone usage is prohibited in their location. Following a few basic etiquette rules about your cell phone usage will ensure that you never offend those around you.RestaurantsThere is now a growing trend among...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Touch Screen Cell Phones
Backing Up Cell Phone Data An unfortunate part of relying so much on technology is that when something goes wrong, and it often does, we can find ourselves hopelessly lost without copies of emails, phone numbers, addresses, and all of the other data we rely on our cell phones to keep safe for us.Data can be lost in a variety of ways, keeping a back up of all of your important cell phone data can be vital not only to...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
Cell Phones And You, On The Move With the technology available to us today we are no longer tethered to our homes and offices when we have the need to access our email or the Internet. With portable computers, hand held devices, and aircards we now have the ability to work or play from virtually anywhere in the world.What Is An AircardAn aircard is, simply put, a device that connects to your laptop via your USB or PCMCIA slot....... Similar Editorial : Cell Phones by nkthen. | Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
CDMA Vs. GSM Cell Phones If you are in the market for a new cellular carrier and mobile phone it is important that you are an informed consumer and know the differences between the two primary cellular technologies available, CDMA and GSM technologies.What Is CDMACDMA is an acronym for Code Division Multiple Access; it is a digital technology that uses what is known as "spread spectrum techniques." This means that the...... Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
A Look Towards The Future Of Cell Phones As with all technologies, there is a push from handset developers to constantly bring to market innovative new designs that will greatly appeal to consumers.Finnish handset giant Nokia introduced a concept device they dubbed "The Morph." The Morph, still very much a concept device with no intended plans to manufacture or release, takes mobile smartphone devices miles beyond what is currently...... Similar Editorial : Future Of Mobile Phones by panduro. | Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
Change The Look Of Your Cell Phone, Fast! Every few months it seems that the cell phone service providers are trying to get you to change phones and extend the amount of time that you are locked in to their service contract. They try to entice you with sleek looking cell phones designed to catch your eye and try to make your old phone look boring. However, you can join the smart people and spice up the looks of your existing cell phone...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
Cell Phones - No Longer Just For Calling It seems that, with the hectic lifestyles we all lead today, more effort is being made to compress as many functions as possible into ever aspect of our lives; our cell phones are no exception to this trend.Consider, now, all of the functions that have been built into our cell phones in an effort to simplify our lives and give us more freedom while on the move.EmailThanks to the numerous...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phones by Anne King. | Source : Top 5 Cell Phones
Best Mobile Products For Kids Under 10 The under-18 market is a rapidly expanding market in the wireless phone industry; parents with kids under the age of 12 have even jumped on the bandwagon and started providing their kids with mobile phones. Manufacturers of mobile phones, mobile phone accessories, and even the top carriers have realized this. They are all now taking steps to capture their share of this exploding market.Carriers ...... Similar Editorial : Kids and Mobile Phones by Andrena Markley. | Source : Desktops For Computer
Femtocells Technology - What Is It? So you may be asking yourself: What is new in the wireless industry? You know that the cell phone handsets are constantly being improved but what about the connection technology? Well wonder no more.A word picking up popularity lately in the wireless industry is Femtocells; the word is being thrown around with alarming frequency, causing excitement in various parts of the wireless industry. Being...... Similar Editorial : In Technology by Anita Johansen. | Source : Hr Technology
Importance Of 2008 Tax Limits : Rodman & Rodman Rodman & Rodman has outlined the new limits and changes (due to laws that have passed) to Social Security, pension limits, various deduction limits, and so forth to help taxpayers better plan for 2008.&bull The maximum earnings subject to Social Security tax will increase to $102,000 for 2008, up from $97,500 in 2007. This means that the withholding tax for Social Security will reach a maximum of $6...... Similar Editorial : Mlb 2008 by Stephen Lars. | Source : Property Tax History
All About Cell Phone When you are in social situations, try to think of your cell phone as only to be used in case of emergencies. All other phone calls can be sent to voicemail for checking at a later point... Similar Editorial : Mlb 2008 by Stephen Lars. | Source : Mobile Phone Reviews Pg. 57
All Unlocked Cell Phones The large carrier recognize the need that some of their users have for a rugged all terrain phone and now offer, in their product lineup, several phones that can withstand the extreme environments th...... Similar Editorial : All New Cell Phones by Jay Beech. | Source : Mobile Phone Reviews Pg. 57