Ken Flegel (306)-545-4535 or (306)-501-7424 or E-mail me at Ken Flegel works as a certified electronic technician , part time mechanic, and purchaser for the local school board. One of his responsibilities is the purchasing of the fuel for all the board's vehicles therefore giving him extensive knowledge in fuel quality, condition, and price.
Gassing Up When And How Now how are we all feeling about the prices of fuel today? I personally am not impressed so I sought out a few fuel saving techniques and would like to share them with you. Do you know what kind of gas mileage your vehicle is getting? Calculating this is extremely simple. Start by filling... Source : Solar Power Fuel
More Fuel Saving Tips With the prices of gasoline going higher and higher, it's not unusual for all of us to search out some fuel saving techniques most of the ones I have found are simple for any one to apply to their every day driving.1. Always try to drive the speed limit. Did you know that for every 5 mph... Similar Editorial : 15 Gas Saving Tips by dennis james. | Source : Solar Power Fuel
Gasoline Soaring Up And Up Prices of gasoline are rising every day. The price per barrel has increased a whopping 60% since the year 2000. How mind-boggling is that? Yes there may be some days when we go to the pumps and the prices are slightly down but they never seem to stay that way too long. How many of u... Similar Editorial : Soaring Gas Prices by . | Source : Solar Power Fuel
Emissions To Be Regulated This week in the news there was a report done in Canada. The Minister of Environment had a meeting with all the big car manufacturers to lay out plans for Canada's first try at regulating car emissions.Theses car manufactures will have to agree with a written agreement to meet with emiss... Source : Solar Power Fuel
Beating High Fuel Prices Everyone around the world is concerned about the high prices of gasoline and diesel. This is a primary factor affecting the economy every where. All of our budgets are impacted by the rising gas prices. In Europe, drivers are paying $7 to $8 a gallon for gas. This kind of price is not fa... Similar Editorial : Beating Your Neck by Dr. Joseph J. Berke, M.D., Ph.D.. | Source : Solar Power Fuel
Smarten Up When Gassing Up Did you know that saving money on gasoline can be as simple as when and where you purchase your fuel?In the early morning when the temperature is still cold or cool the fuel in the underground tanks at the service station is more condensed (shrunk), and the fuel in your tank is also more c... Source : Miles Per Gallon Calculator
Better Mpgs Fact Or Fiction The price of gas is constantly on the rise and all of us are looking for ways to combat the ever increasing cost to our pocket books. Some of us are looking to buy smaller more fuel efficient vehicles like hybrids or the small econobox cars. However some of us really love the vehicles we drive a... Similar Editorial : Fact Or Fiction by News Canada. | Source : Miles Per Gallon Calculator
Gas Saving Myths There has been a whole lot of information given out for the public to view on fuel saving techniques especially lately with the high price of gasoline for our automobiles. A lot of it is very good but a lot of it is also inaccurate. I would like to go over a few of the things that I have ... Similar Editorial : Three Planning Myths by Denise O'Berry. | Source : Miles Per Gallon Calculator
Good Maintenance Equals Good Mileage Did you know that taking good care of your vehicle can be the single most important factor in maintaining your vehicles gas mileage? It's absolutely true and completely understandable when you think about it. Most people don't realize it but those simple little things that go wrong with your... Similar Editorial : The Good by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.. | Source : Miles Per Gallon Calculator