Can You Lose Yourself Winning? I can never say I never win anything again. I bought a church raffle ticket and won a spa weekend for two. John is definitely not the spa type, but he agreed to go because he's the free type. We went for early morning walks, late night Jacuzzis and draped our bodies over pool, loung... Similar Editorial : A Winning Domain Name by Debra Gravelle. | Source : Cope with Negative Emotions at Work
Do You Give Yourself Credit? Once upon a time, not too long ago, my husband thought I had too many credit cards - especially for clothing shops and department stores. John thought having so many credit cards could discredit our credit. I charged salon services, movie tickets and luncheons with friends - which seem to cost more than lunches. Anyway ... John thought the only thing I couldn't buy on credit was happiness. Early...... Similar Editorial : Give yourself Some Credit by The House Team Of Mortgage Intellingence. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
Who Invented The Vent? Inventors start with an idea about how to do something or how to do something better. For example, staples aren't just for holding papers together anymore. Carpenters use them to hold boards together and doctors use them to hold skin together. A couple of years ago an emergency room doctor used four staples to hold a cut on my head together. Ever since, however, I've thought someone should...... Source : Wireless Technology Information
No Saving Grace? I think the Secretary of the Treasury should issue a warning that having children is hazardous to the health of parents' finances. In self defense we should teach our children about saving money as soon as they've swallowed their first penny or had their first visit from the tooth fairy. My younger son was a fast learner. He started his own business at age seven. When his older brother had a...... Similar Editorial : Gas Saving by Jaree Ullah. | Source : Payments Services
Do You Have Any Saving Graces? Think savings - think bank. I remember being given lollipops at the bank when I was a little girl. That's when banks gave toasters for opening new accounts and gave calendars for Christmas. Banks have changed. Now some give free checking accounts, some give free use of ATM's and some give free safety deposit boxes. Some banks have high-yield money market accounts and others have super-high-yield...... Similar Editorial : Gas Saving by Jaree Ullah. | Source : Payments Services
Is There A Model For Remodeling? Remodeling, otherwise known as home improvement, doesn't improve marriages. I know. I just survived a year of remodeling that should have taken six months. Yes, it cost more than we'd expected. We'd expected that, but it cost even more than that. For me it's less painful to pay more for things that show than things like pipes and wiring hidden in walls. Okay, there are exceptions to every rule....... Similar Editorial : Remodeling Your Home by W. Troy Swezey. | Source : Nc Contractor
Is It Spelled Vacation Or Vaca-Shun? I don't know about you, but I need a vacation. It doesn't have to be at an exotic location. It doesn't have to be break-the-bank expensive. I just need to get away so I can appreciate what I have when I come back. What I have might be a little dustier, but I'll appreciate it more. The last trip I remember taking was on the ripped carpet. What I need is a mini vacation. It could be a day trip or...... Similar Editorial : Take a Vacation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Family Vacation
Have You Wanted To Be Free As The Wind? There's that time of year - which can be any time of year - I want to drop everything, have someone take over my responsibilities and feel as free as the wind. During childhood this is known as the running-away-to-join-the-circus syndrome. During adulthood it's known as fantasy - fantasy that's fed by the get-away ads for Southwest Airlines. Because there's no first class on Southwest - no...... Similar Editorial : Whispers in the Wind by Barbara Eastom Bates. | Source : Vacation Itinerary
Can People Be Winterized? Winter is my least favorite season. I'm a transplanted New Englander. I live in Los Angles because I don't do cold well. December through March about all I can handle is a cold shoulder from a cold-hearted purveyor of cold cuts. My family, however, still lives in New England. I love them in spite of that shortcoming, but it definitely wasn't my idea to visit them in December. In fact, many of my...... Similar Editorial : OK People by Cathy Bryant. | Source : Holiday Itinerary
Tempted To Cruise Through Life? Cruise is a relaxing word. You imagine deck chairs, ocean breezes - and no responsibilities. The word lets your thoughts drift at sea - unless you're my husband. John feels confined on ships, he feels confined in the tuxedo he's expected to wear to formal dinners on board and he can't be conned into feeling fine about it. When in doubt - or you can't get your way - compromise. We compromised by...... Similar Editorial : Family Cruise by Colin Hartness. | Source : Family Friendly Cruises
Does Any Port In A Storm Include Airports? It's been a long time since United Airlines had ads showing O. J. Simpson running through airports. Since then it's the rest of us who've been running for planes. Since then O.J's runs have been from ... the law. We have to run to allow extra time to park in lots that are farther away, extra time to get through increased security and extra time to buy food to eat on food-challenged flights. We...... Similar Editorial : After the Storm by Nicholas Dixon. | Source : Lowest International Airfares
Have You Burned Any Travelogs? My grandmother called them "Gullibles Travels". These were trips Americans took to other countries before they saw America. She wanted Americans to see the treasures in their own backyards. When I lived outside New York City, the United Nations, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were treasures. Now I live in Los Angeles; and the treasures are Rodeo Drive, Mann's Chinese Theater and the...... Similar Editorial : Been Burned by Rachel Gawith. | Source : Travel Agent Web
A Food For Thought ? I buy the foods that will make my body stronger.? I cherish the added vigor and vibrancy that healthy eating gives me.? I eat when I am hungry, not when I am bored... Similar Editorial : Been Burned by Rachel Gawith. | Source : Play In Child Development