Consumers Can Legally Burn CDs And DVDs Recent news released on September 19, 2007 by the DVD Copy Control Association (DVDCCA) now allows consumers to legally record content in their own homes including movies offered by the content owners. They can also obtain special content that is now unavailable on DVDs, since the existing demand does not economically allow the mass reproduction. The DVD Copy Control Association (DVDCCA), gave the...... Similar Editorial : Burn Dvds Onto Cds by Ethan Parker. | Source : Computers On Sale
DVD Cca Authorizes Copy Protection For Dvds Recent news released on September 19, 2007 by the DVD Copy Control Association (DVDCCA) now allows consumers to legally record content in their own homes including movies offered by the content owners. They can also obtain special content that is now unavailable on DVDs, since the existing demand does not economically allow the mass reproduction. The DVD Copy Control Association (DVDCCA), gave the...... Similar Editorial : Cds and Dvds by Phillip Kimpo Jr.. | Source : Spyware Stormer
Subprime Loan Problems Hit Minorities Hard The subprime market crash has affected minority neighborhoods all over the U.S. Why? The reason is because they were heavily targeted for risky high cost loans. With millions of Americans who are suffering from inflating mortgage payments due to adjustable rates, balloon payments and other unscrupulous sub-prime programs, many people are now in panic mode, having recently lost their homes or...... Similar Editorial : Scholarship For Minorities by Low Jeremy. | Source : Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Confusion About Home Loans And Mortgage Lenders Disclosures Confusion among homeowners due to ineffective and complex mortgage disclosures resulted in a study by the Federal Trade Commission in which 800 percent of mortgage customers were given disclosure forms for an abstract loan. The message is loud and clear there is a need for easy to read and comprehensive mortgage terminology.A Los Angeles Times article written on June 14th describes how most...... Similar Editorial : Maine Mortgage Lenders by Troy Francis. | Source : Mortgage Finance Company
Get Commissions During The Subprime Squeeze There were 1.2 million foreclosure filings were reported last year in 2006, a 42 percent more than in the year 2005. Current home owner defaults and late payments are not just causing problems in the mortgage industry. More foreclosures are projected for this year of 2007. The situation is raising questions about the U.S. economy and if it will suffer from this subprime market squeeze.What is the...... Similar Editorial : Name Squeeze Pages by Tarsem Singh. | Source : Local Real Estate Agent
Children Of The City Becomes Second Home For Kids In Brooklyn David Sante grew up in Brooklyn, New York. When he was just nine years old, a Children of the City outreach counselor visited his home, and talked with his mother, a single parent. He didn't know his biological father."My Mom just loved it," said David. "To hear that someone was willing to grab her four kids and take them for a Saturday morning ... well, she agreed to that." Soon thereafter, David...... Similar Editorial : Sex And The City by . | Source : Kids Toy Store
U.S. School Crimes Remain Unchanged Violent and property crime rates at the nation's schools during 2005 were down. 57 such crimes per 1,000 students age 12 or older were statistically unchanged from the 2004 rate of 55 victimizations per 1,000 students.We see how crime and violence affect children every day, said Brooklyn-based Children of the City Board member Rocco Basile. "We also see how a community can help with after school...... Source : Defensive Driving School In
Crime In U.s. Schools Remains Unchanged Violent and property crime rates at the nation's schools during 2005 -- 57 such crimes per 1,000 students age 12 or older -- were statistically unchanged from the 2004 rate of 55 victimizations per 1,000 students.We see how crime and violence affect children every day, said Brooklyn-based Children of the City Board member Rocco Basile. "We also see how a community can help with after school...... Similar Editorial : Chocolate Crime in Eu by Martha Mc Quire. | Source : Driving Schools Online
Children Of The City Of Brooklyn Become Volunteers When Brooklyn, New York's David Sante was just nine years old, an outreach counselor from Children of the City visited his single parent mother."My Mom just loved it," said David. "To hear that someone was willing to grab her four kids and take them for a Saturday morning ... well, she agreed to that." Soon thereafter, David and his siblings made this community organization their second home...... Similar Editorial : Sex And The City by . | Source : Raising A Child
Brooklyns Children Of The City Charity Children of the City's annual "Just One Gift" campaign in December in Brooklyn, New York provides and receive a new gift and encouragement. New Yorkers and people from around the country generously donate toys.Here's why. In Brooklyn alone there are 17 thousand cases of child abuse with a 48 percent high school drop out rate. Of about 30 thousand students, 15 thousand are dropouts. One out of...... Similar Editorial : The Importance of Charity by Robert Shemin. | Source : Kids Project
Pet Memorials Many of us have been touched by the loss of a beloved pet, and since Colleen Mihelich understands the heartache of that loss, she has devoted her career to a company and website called It is dedicated to helping others honor the loss of their pets through a pet memorial.Although Pepper was gone, Mihelich knew that the love she felt for her horse would never go away. That's why she...... Similar Editorial : Pet Memorials by Kristin Gabriel. | Source : Golden Retriever For Sale
Pet Memorials - People Find Peace In Pets Passing With a tremendous love for animals, Colleen Mihelich has an understanding of the deep grief associated with their death, something she remembered when she lost her quarter horse named Pepper when she was 16 years old. Many of us have been touched by the loss of a beloved pet, and since Colleen understands the heartache of that loss, she has devoted her career to a company and website called...... Source : Golden Retriever For Sale
Will Education And Charity Help Prevent Crime? A recent Wall Street Journal article called, "Murder Spike Poses Quandary" talks about how criminologists are offering a number of explanations for an increase in the murder rate in some cities over the last month. In Washington in April 2008 there were 18 murders during a 13 day violence spurt, 20 percent deadlier than one year ago.Other cities including Chicago and Philadelphia had similar...... Similar Editorial : Legalizing Crime by Sam Vaknin. | Source : Cheap Driving Schools
Crime, Education And Charity A recent Wall Street Journal article called, "Murder Spike Poses Quandary" talks about how criminologists are offering a number of explanations for an increase in the murder rate in some cities over the last month. In Washington in April 2008 there were 18 murders during a 13 day violence spurt, 20 percent deadlier than one year ago.Other cities including Chicago and Philadelphia had similar...... Similar Editorial : Legalizing Crime by Sam Vaknin. | Source : Cheap Driving Schools
Aspirin And Heart Attacks You should also attack plaque on a daily basis by using a one-step powered tooth brush.According to the Swedish Dental Journal, it helps remove plaque bacteria twice as fast as a manual brush... Similar Editorial : Alcohol And Panic Attacks by Bradley Smith. | Source : Heart Disease
B Kamins Anti Aging At other times you may need to decrease or adjust your rate of activity. Whatever happens, your sense of well being and your overall physical health are sure to improve... Similar Editorial : 3 Anti Aging Cream by Bradley Smith. | Source : Aging Problems Pg. 2
Becoming A Film Director Check out what mentors are saying about how you can get a career in film directing on YouTube. Just type in what you are looking for - like how to become a film director... Similar Editorial : 35mm Film To Digital by Cindy Rhyes.