Ksana Vera,recovered bulimic. Her voice carries a weight and authority with it that many others cannot offer. At her website you will discover how you can end your problem with Bulimia once and for all.http://www.cureforbulimia.com
Bulimia Is Eating Disorder That Can Effect Your Life If you are one of the many people that eating disorders affect every year, there are long term effects that you must be aware of. Bulimia is an eating disorder that can affect your life in deeply permanent ways that you might not expect.Never believe that an eating disorder of any sort is only an indication of a physical problem! Bulimia has its roots in psychological disorder and a strong...... Similar Editorial : Eating Disorder Dangers by klively. | Source : Anorexia Symptoms
Root Cause Of Bulimia & Dangerous Eating Disorders Scientific findings are beginning to show that not only what you eat, but the time of your meals and various nutrients that are ingested can actually have amazing affects on both the moods and behavior of humans. These new studies are also showing that food, and the nutrients contained within certain food can be used to treat various problems like insomnia, chronic pain, depression, and even...... Similar Editorial : Bare Root Roses by David G. Hallstrom. | Source : Anorexia Bulimia Statistics
Is Barbie-Doll-Like Look The Ideal Look? Root Cause Of Bulimia Bulimia, or bulimia nervosa, is a psychological eating disorder characterized by bouts of compulsive eating followed by efforts to undo the effects of the same by using improper means like induced vomiting, bouts of fasting, purging with laxatives/enema/diuretics, and compulsive exercising.According to popular belief, the main cause for bulimia is the sociocultural pressures that impose on young...... Source : Anorexia Bulimia Statistics
Complete Bulimia Recovery & Drug-Free Bulimia Cure In a pioneering study conducted by MIT researchers way back in the seventies, it was established for the first time that the carbohydrate and protein contents of a meal, as well certain individual nutrients in the meal, could strongly influence the levels of certain mood/behavior-altering chemicals in the brain, particularly, neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters...... Similar Editorial : Learn More About Bulimia by mikeherman1. | Source : Treatment Of Anorexia
Stopping Bulimia Is Far From Easy! Here is Why:People who suffer from bulimia often suffer in silence, following the vicious cycle of binge eating and purging. Diagnosed as a psychosomatic illness, it is treated with psychotherapy, without paying much attention to the physiological balance required to properly recover from the disease.Bulimics who discuss the craving they have for certain foods note that when they are binging,...... Similar Editorial : Learn More About Bulimia by mikeherman1. | Source : Treatment Of Anorexia
The Truth About Bulimia Un-recovered Bulimics do not understand or know the truth concerning bulimia. Contrary to the common misconception, vomiting does not control weight loss. Ok, so then what really happens? The truth is that the body adapts to the situation in which it finds itself. Since a body needs the nutrients provided by foods and is deprived of those, it begins to react by retaining the food longer in the...... Similar Editorial : Learn More About Bulimia by mikeherman1. | Source : Treatment Of Anorexia
Secrets About Bulimia. Brain Chemicals And Our Mood Bulimia nervosa, generally known as bulimia, is a psychologically stirred eating disorder whereby a person experiences regular phases of binge eating (overeating) which is followed by a compensatory act like purging, fasting or exercise. Bulimia tends to affect young women more frequently and is stimulated by psychological concerns like lack of control, self-esteem etc. It is potentially harmful...... Similar Editorial : Learn More About Bulimia by mikeherman1. | Source : Treatment Of Anorexia
The Cause For Bulimia Is Revealed. New Medical Study Bulimia nervosa, generally known as bulimia, is a psychologically stirred eating disorder whereby a person experiences regular phases of binge eating (overeating) which is followed by a compensatory act like purging, fasting or exercise. Bulimia tends to affect young women more frequently and is stimulated by psychological concerns like lack of control, self-esteem etc. It is potentially harmful...... Similar Editorial : Learn More About Bulimia by mikeherman1. | Source : Treatment Of Anorexia
You Will Loose More Weight Without Bulimia Un-recovered Bulimics do not understand or know the truth concerning bulimia. Contrary to the common misconception, vomiting does not control weight loss. Ok, so then what really happens? The truth is that the body adapts to the situation in which it finds itself. Since a body needs the nutrients provided by foods and is deprived of those, it begins to react by retaining the food longer in the...... Similar Editorial : Loose Weight by swissjohn. | Source : Dex L10 Hoodia