Lockie Brown lives in Vancouver and skis regularly at Whistler and Blackcomb. For five years, he has organized snowcat sking tours to Chatter Creek , near Golden (http://www.backcountrywintervacations.com). Before that, he had a number of trips to Island Lake Lodge near Fernie. For lots of photos about cat skiing, Lockie suggests the Chatter News at http://powder-skiing.blogspot.com. lockiebrown@hotmail.com
Snowcat Skiing: What Is It? Backcountry skiers near Golden, British Columbia travel high into the Rocky Mountains in the warm comfort of snowcats. Traveling in groups of 12, lead by two qualified guides, skiers and snowboarders...... Similar Editorial : Backcountry Skiing by Lachlan brown. | Source : Indoor Recreation
A Great Day Of Cat Skiing Snowcat skiing offers strong-intermediate and expert skiers the ultimate powder snow experience. Operators provide full-service guided tours into remote high-mountain regions. Powder snow and “fresh ...... Similar Editorial : Snowcat Skiing by Lachlan Brown. | Source : Sportsmen Guide