Linda Paquette is a marketing specialist and writer who loves the beach and enjoys offering her readers money saving tips on women's swimsuits, bikinis
Womens Swimwear Revolution History of Womens Swimwear. It’s almost certain that the first swimmers wore no suit at all and although some historians date women’s first swimsuits to the Eighteenth Century, the first recorded use of clothing for swimwear dates back to 300 BC in ancient Greece. T... Similar Editorial : Types of Womans Swimwear by Adam Murray. | Source : Bikini
Lemon Tetras Glassily transparent, the lemon tetra (hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) could appear to be just a sunbeam flashing through your community tank if not for background elements like plants and driftwood. A...... Similar Editorial : Ohio Lemon Law by Kevin Bishop. | Source : Decorating for Bedrooms
How To Grow Ginger What we call fresh ginger root is actually the rhizome of the ginger (Zingiber officinale) plant. Choose a smooth, shiny root that has some buds beginning. These will look similar to the eyes of a potato. A fun way to start a ginger plant is to suspend a two-inch piece of the rhizome over a glass of water. Do this by poking a toothpick on either side of the root. Fill the glass, submerging about...... Similar Editorial : Think and Grow Well by World Image Naturals, Inc.. | Source : Bougainvillea
How To Grow Healthy Food It’s no secret that all life begins with the soil. Although it may look like dirt to the naked eye, organically rich soil is a living, breathing community of microorganisms. These little denizens of the dirt are born, grow, breed, give birth and die leaving an estate of nutrition-filled remains to the soil. While they live, many of these little critters feed on undesirable elements like harmful...... Similar Editorial : Think and Grow Well by World Image Naturals, Inc.. | Source : Bougainvillea
How To Grow Sweet Corn Corn needs warm soil temperatures (50? - 65? Fahrenheit) to germinate.Warm temperatures cause sugars in corn to turn into starches and results in loss of sweetness and creamy texture. Sugars also begin converting to starches immediately after harvest. Sweet corn is divided into three types according to its sweetness: (SU) normal sugary or standard sweet corn, (SE) sugary enhanced, and (Sh2) super...... Similar Editorial : Home Sweet by bcorcoran. | Source : Bougainvillea