Do You Have Excuse-itis When Looking For A Job? How many times have you done or heard someon else say: "I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I don't have my family behind me, and on and on"? This excuse-itis is worse than pro- crastinat...... Source : Creative Thinking
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone In The Job Search Most everyone these days knows what a comfort zone is. My definition is the place, environment and tasks that we have learned to do and feel comfortable with--a comfort zone. Lots of people feel dev...... Similar Editorial : Combat Zone by infoserv. | Source : Self Esteem Help
F-E-A-R In The Job Search! Fear in starting a job search is a four letter word! Like any other four letter word, the word itself can create more fear, and some- times self-loathing! Look at the fear when it applies to a job se...... Source : Achieve Goals
Job Search "Blurts" I coined this word to draw attention to the nervous and apprehensive way of saying something in the job search that makes you feel like a buffoon. A "blurt" is a catchy way of saing: Gaffe. When i...... Similar Editorial : Job Search Tip by pmegan. | Source : Self Improvement Programs and Articles
What Is Failing Forward? What an absurd statement! Absurd or not, progress is not possible without failure. It is part of being an evolving and growing human being. Failing forward is about leveraging mistakes; making a re...... Similar Editorial : Families on Fast Forward by Maggie Reigh. | Source : Good First Impression
Change Your Career, Change Your Life! Lots of times I see and talk to people who are tired, bored and burnt out of their current jobs. I'm not sure what causes this dis- satisfaction. One reason, though, that I've thought about is that t...... Similar Editorial : Career Change Is by Obituary Review. | Source : Self Esteem Tips
A Career Coachs Mini-Confession These are the things I have discoveredabout myself, my values and my ownethics in advising someone in the jobsearch.1. This person has had no job history that has not been menial or beneath her capabilities. She is now close to being 50 years old.2. I counseled her for three visits as we discussed her past and future. She did not appear to "buy into" the advice and information I was providing.3....... Similar Editorial : The Mini by cubbi13. | Source : Project Management Training
Over-Enthusiasm In The Job Search Over-Enthusiasm in the Job SearchYou have just had an interview that was great by your standards. You want to celebrate, maybe have a drink, dinner, and relax. You are SURE you will be the candidate who has won the job prize.In fact, you have had several of these kinds of interviews this week. Three of them!You were enthused after each one! However, doubts overcame you after the second one did not...... Source : Project Management Training
Why Im Afraid Of A Job Interview Why I'm Afraid of a Job Interview!I have a job interview scheduled for this week and I'm Scared!Here are my reasons. They are:1. I may make big blunders when I talk. I am afraid of most strangers. These strangers can judge me unfavorably because Idon't talk much. 2. I don't feel completely qualified. I don't think I'll measure up aswell as the other candidates.3. I think my appearance will dis...... Similar Editorial : Interview with a by Marie-Claire Ross. | Source : Project Management Training
Resolutions In The Job Search Just Dont Work! New Year's Resolutions in the Job Search Just Don't Work!Let me explain about why I thinkresolutions to find a new job don'twork. New Year's resolutions aretoo ephemeral! They are a signalthat something needs to change withina person, but the dedication to changeisn't really there. It's a lot ofwishful thinking, isn't it? How to make a resolution work for you?Here are my tips.1. Write them down....... Similar Editorial : Why Diets Dont Work by Aaron M. Potts. | Source : Reward Employees