Upgrade Your Computer Power Supply The power supply to a computer is often the most underappreciated component of a computer and can well be a key to better, faster and smoother computer speeds of your computer.But who ever thinks of that silver box tucked away in the back of your computer?Most people simply have the power supply that came installed in their computer. If it ever overheats and breaks down, stopping their computer...... Similar Editorial : Buying a Power Supply by Olly Fallon. | Source : Hard Drive
Get On The Vintage Computer Bus Vintage Computer Add-in cards come in three basic flavors: 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit. These terms refer to the number of data bits the card sends out at one time. Ideally a 16-bit video card sends an image to the monitor in half the time it would take for an 8-bit version. It is important to know what kind of card your vintage computer accepts. The older PCs and XTs usually have an 8-bit or PC bus,...... Similar Editorial : The Vintage Mercury by Terry Z. Voster. | Source : Computer Parts Accessories
The Best And Simplest Computer Virus Protection Many computer users live in fear of computer viruses. It is true that computer viruses can do a lot of damage that most likely could have been easily prevented - that is if they had a working up to date virus program. First of all be reassured. Even if your computer is "wiped clean" or "wiped out" you may not be in the doghouse so to speak. If you use the computer mainly for browsing on...... Similar Editorial : Spyware Virus Protection by Cynthia Blake. | Source : Spyware Clean Up
The IBM Personal PC Went Down Kicking And Screaming The public history of the PC began in August 1981, when IBM first announced "The IBM Personal Computer." . This was The original PC. The time period for the development of this landmark, legacy product was approximately a year. It must be remembered that IBM was a centralized committee paper top down organization at the time. Everything went by snail mail and paper, communication was slow and...... Similar Editorial : Get More Personal by Josh Hinds. | Source : Computer Security Consulting